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[Marina POV]

I am still standing there, totally shook at what just happened and mooning over the fact that I love her, but I'm too pussy to tell her.

I finally fall onto the floor, still in awe at what happened, and I didn't know it happened. Slowly, teal-colored drool falls on the floor. Pearl finally hears me, and runs over. "Oh my cod! Mar! Are you okay? Are you okay-"  My vision goes black. I end up actually falling asleep.

[B] Pearl POV

As I'm on the couch, worrying and staring, she finally just drops onto the floor, face down. I see her eyes close before she falls. "Oh my cod, oh my cod, Marina, Marina!" I sprint over to her as fast as my short legs can go.

I fall on my knees to observe the damage on Marina's beautif- I mean precious face. My small, gloved hands touch her light-teal blushed cheeks. She doesn't respond. I'm pretty sure she's just asleep.

I grab her legs and torso and carry her bridal style. She's really light, but I manage to carry her up the large stairs and up to my room. I haphazardly open the door, and quickly drop her on my bed. I just realized, she's still in pajamas. It's only, I dunno, 12 o'clock. Her small, dark skinned face remains relaxed on my white, now somewhat blue pillowcase.

She's so beautiful, and thic- What? I don't even know what I'm saying. I'm just starting at her unique, featured physiognomy. I don't even know what that word means- but I can't think of anything else right now.

Marina shifts her position a small bit. I can't help myself, and I lightly kiss her small nose. She doesn't move at all. Her face gets a bit more blush and she shivers, being cold.

I swiftly run to her room. I've never really been in there. Marina's room kinda looks like mine, apart from that she has Squid Sisters posters in the wall, and a bit more of Hatsune Miku, some ancient singer...? I think the hoo-mens listened to her. Eh, I grabbed some blankets out of her closet, a purple one and one that has the Off the Hook logo on it. Why does she own her own merch...? I noiselessly shoot back for my room, and quickly lay the blankets on her body.

She's still cold, I can tell. I just give up and quietly cuddle up next to her, even though that is probably a crappy idea. I move a bit closer to her thicker-than-usually figure. Slowly, I wrap my arms around her chest. I can barely reach all the way across. She's so soft... And cushy... I end up falling asleep this way, next to an alluring Octoling.

I can't love anyone else. This one, I know for sure this time, is the one.

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