Chapter 4: Coffee

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Lapis and Peridot's POV: Third Person

Amethyst and Peridot sat back on Peridot's couch, deciding on who would attend the lake with them.

"Pearl for sure." Amethyst pointed at the word "PEARL" in capital letters on the very first line of the page.

"Of course," Peridot sighed. "Can't forget your girlfriend."

Amethyst's face turned red. "She is NOT my girlfriend!"

Peridot laughed as Amethyst tackled her. Taking a pillow to the face from the shorter girl, Peridot wheezed until she couldn't anymore.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry. Let's get back to the list," Peridot huffed.

Amethyst sat back up continued to read the list with a small blush on her face.

"What about Garnet?" Amethyst pointed to another name on the list.

Peridot liked Garnet. She usually kept to herself, but she was fun.

"Yeah, she'd be cool."

Amethyst texted Pearl while Peridot called Garnet. After both girls agreed, Peridot and Amethyst went back to the list.

"Okay, I'm thinking Jasper and Ruby," Amethyst suggested, pointing at two names. Peridot nodded and called Jasper. Jasper gave an enthusiastic yes, but Ruby ended up giving Amethyst a sad no.

"Well, who could come instead of Ruby?" Peridot looked at the list.

Amethyst shrugged. "Sapphire maybe?"

Peridot shrugged. "Why not?"

Amethyst shot Sapphire a text, but grunted angrily when Sapphire told her she couldn't come either. "Well now who?" Amethyst threw her hands in the air.

Peridot read the next name. "Aquamarine?"

"Waaay too crazy," Amethyst chuckled.

Another name on the list stood out to Peridot. "Wait, who's Lapis?"

Amethyst's eyes widened and she sat up. "Lapis Lazuli? I totally forgot about her!"

"Well, who is she?"

"A family friend. She's cool, I think you'd like her," Amethyst replied. Peridot waited as Amethyst had a lengthy conversation with this "Lapis" girl . She was already halfway through "The Job" when Amethyst said, "She's good! That's six girls!"

Peridot smiled. "Admit it, this may be my best birthday present to you."

Amethyst rolled her eyes. "You're right. But that better mean you won't go over the top with gifts this year."


Time Skip: Two days later, three days before Christmas.

Amethyst decided in order for all the girls to spend quality time with each other before going to the lake, they should all go shopping at the nearest mall. That way they could buy items they needed for the trip and do some last minute Christmas shopping.

Peridot was giving Amethyst a ride to the mall. They were supposed to meet at a coffee shop in the front of the building.

When Peridot and Amethyst walked into the building, they noticed that Jasper, Pearl and Garnet were already there.

"Wow, were we really that late?" Peridot asked as she set her wallet down on the table.

Jasper checked her watch. "Naw, we were just really early. Pearl was driving." Pearl scoffed.

"It's always better to be early than late," Pearl remarked bitterly.

Garnet groaned. "Not a whole half-hour early though."

"Yeah, Pearl had to hold me back so I wouldn't go and order my drink yet." Jasper laughed.

Pearl shrugged. "It's true."

They all sat down, waiting for Lapis. They agreed that if she didn't show up by 2:30, they'd all order their drinks.

At around 2:15, Amethyst pointed at the door. "There she is." Peridot quickly glanced in her direction, jerking her head back after a moment's error.

She was beautiful. All of her hair was dyed blue, which surprised Peridot, but to be fair, Amethyst's hair is dyed purple. Peridot couldn't keep her eyes off of her as Amethyst waved her over.

Jasper elbowed Peridot in the side, causing her to break her stare from Lapis. "Dude, stop staring."

"I was not staring," Peridot argued, crossing her arms.

"Whatever you say, nerd."

Lapis sat down in the chair between Amethyst and Garnet. "Uh, hey guys, sorry I'm late. Got stuck in traffic," she explained, waving awkwardly.

Oh my god, Peridot thought. Even her voice was hot.

Amethyst smiled. "It's all good, it's all good."

An awkward silence ensued. They were all waiting for the other person to say something, but no one ever did. Peridot couldn't stand the quiet any longer. 

"Um, so, hey, I'm Peridot," the blonde introduced herself. Lapis looked right at her, forming a lump in Peridot's stomach. "Peridot Greene." Lapis smiled.

"Hey, Peridot. I'm Lapis. Lapis Lazuli."

Peridot smiled back, and she could feel a small blush on her cheeks, but not noticeable enough to call out. Peridot pointed at each person in turn. "And this is Garnet, Pearl and Jasper."

Lapis smiled at each of them. She looked back at Peridot, who was staring at her. Peridot was going to look away, but Lapis stared back, pulling her back in. At this moment, Peridot noticed what a beautiful blue her eyes were. One was a bright grey-blue, and the other was a medium blue. Peridot couldn't stop studying her eyes.

Lapis had noticed Peridot was staring, so she stared back. She was going to look away, but she noticed that Peridot had green eyes. They went really good with her blond hair, which was cute paired with her freckles-

Wait! Stop! No gaying today! Lapis thought to herself. You're straight, remember? STRAIGHT.

With alot of internal screaming, Lapis broke eye contact with Peridot. They both looked around and noticed the other four watching them. Both of their faces erupted in red.

Amethyst clapped her hands together. "Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, can we finally get our drinks?"

Hey guys! Like I promised, Lapis has FINALLY been introduced! It's going to start getting interesting, so buckle up my readers! Hope you guys liked this chapter, and have a great day!

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