•Chapter 25•

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Ji Reun's PoV

Current date and time: Friday 6:21 pm

"Oppa," I said through the phone "I have made up my mind."

"You'll go?"


"Ok then, pack your things and I'll send you the time."


"Bye." He said and hung up.

Hyun Soo, wasn't here so I am alone.

I went to my room to find myself a luggage. Once I found it I grab some of my clothes, because I know my brother will buy me new clothes there.

Then my phone suddenly beeped. My brother sent me a message.

To: Ji Reun
The flight will be 1:00 pm okay??
From: Ji Sok

To:Ji Sok
From: Ji Reun

I got all the things done and even in my school. I told the principal that I have to leave to Japan and so he agreed.

I checked my phone for the time. I read it and it says: 7:39 pm.

I think it's too early. So I went to the park by myself. I just wanted to feel the wind breeze before I left Korea.

I can feel the wind brushing through my face while memories go around my mind.

I took a deep breathe before going back to my home.

To: Ji Reun
Are you leaving Korea tomorrow?
From: Yoongi

To: Yoongi
From: Ji Reun

To: Ji Reun
Please tell me the time of your flight.
From: Yoongi

To: Yoongi
1:00 pm. And if you're asking me for a ride, no thanks I can handle my own
From: Ji Reun

To: Ji Reun
From: Yoongi

I searched some instant noodles in our cupboard then cooked it. After I ate I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

I wore my pajamas and tuck myself to bed.

Taehyung's PoV

Current Time and date: 12:13 pm, Saturday

"What?!" I exclaimed through the phone call "She's leaving?!"




"What time?!"

"Sorry I can't tell you that... I gave you some information and that's enough."

"Hyung please."

"Ji Reun told us not to tell you but sorry this is the only thing I can tell you."

"Then I'll ask the others."

"They don't know when. I'm the only one she has been told when."

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