•Chapter 34•

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Ji Reun's PoV


'What was she even talking about?'

My head is spinning and my vision is getting a bit blurry.

I simply put my the back of my hand to my neck, just incase I have a fever.

*cough* *cough*

Coughing, check.
Headaches, check.
Hot temperature, check.

I do have a fever.

But I guess I'll keep it to myself until the end of the day.

'Damn! I'm getting sleepy. '

Then my eyes were slowly closing and my head getting down.


I opened my eyes and flinched when my head hurts as soon as I sat up.


"Ms. Kim!"

I was startled when someone just shouted my name that loud. It's like she was on a microphone.

It was Ms. Im. Our strictest teacher in the whole school, well in my opinion.

"Were you sleeping the whole time?!"

"I'm sorry Ms. I just got sleepy. Hehe" I let it out with an awkward laugh.

I heard her sigh and said "Detention."

Those words slipped through my mind.


It's not like I hate detention because it would affect my grades or somethin'. I don't even care about high grades I just care about passing.

Since she is our last lecture for the day, I'll just have to go straight to detention.

'Uhh... Damn this fever' I groaned mentally

*cough* *cough*


Now I am here in detention with Tae. We were teasing each other like little kids.


Then a little moment later my head is spinning again until I felt arms around me as I black out.


I woke up in I know where, my room.

I already knew who took me here.

I stood up and a towel fell from my head.

My temperature went down a bit. I stood up from my bed and went outside my room.

"You're awake!"

'Huh? Who is he? What's he doing here?'

"Oh uh... Yeah. Who are you?"

"As expected I knew you'll ask me that question. Taehyung called me when you fainted." The stranger said.

He seems like Taehyung's friend. I admit that he is indeed handsome but who exactly is he?

"Just get straight to the point, who are you?" I raised an eyebrow, not trying to be mean but you know he might not take things seriously.

"I'm Seo Teryu. Just call me Teryu." He smirked.

'What the fudge was that smirk for? He's creeping me out. Is he-- Maybe he still didn't know.'

"Um Teryu.. Can I know where Taehyung went? As you can see he's my boyfriend and as his girlfrien-"

"Oh I know he's your boyfriend. He just went to a store to buy some medicine for ya'. He'll be back later." Then he smirked again.

I can see lust in his eyes. He slowly stood up from the couch and went close to me.

He held both of my shoulders and pushed me into the wall while still holding unto me.

He smirked even wider as his face gets closer to mine.

'This can't be it. I can't betray him and all!'

"Stop!" I gathered all my strength and pushed him.

All he just did is stare at me up and down with those flirty eyes of his.

"Just what do you think are you doing?!" I shouted at him in rage.

"Aren't you bored of him?" He was speaking while taking small steps towards me.

"I mean look at him his a lame person." He pinned me.

"He's not lame. He's the best boyfriend in the world! Even though we were seperated for more than 10 years he still didn't forget me. He fights for me. He fights for our love no matter how hard it is. We've gone through many pro-"

'D-Did he... Just.... Kissed me...?'

He bit my lower lip for entrance but I refused. I tried pushing him away but he held both of my hands.

Then I heard the door opened.

'Damn it!'


I saw how he punched Teryu. I saw how his fist flew right infront me hitting Teryu.


He punched Teryu multiple times, he punched him in the stomach, the face and where else?

I was smiling with glee for the thought of Taehyung saving me "Taehy-"


My smile slowly vanished when I saw him glaring at me with those raging yet tearing eyes.


"But Taehyung please let me explain!" I begged as tears were forming in my eyes.

"YOU... YOU-- I JUST DON'T WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" He pointed at me. Then he glared at Teryu who was suffering from Taehyung's death punches.


And with that sentence he left then soon Teryu left too.

"If you need another boyfriend just call me, babe." He winked.

"LIKE I WOULD F*CKING DATE YOU! YOU PIECE OF SH*T!" I was filled with anger and grabbed my slipper then threw it at him.

Unfortunately he dodged it and left.

I just went to my room and lie down in my bed.

Ji Reun😍💖💕:
Taehyung (1 min ago)

Pls let me explain (1 min ago)

Can we tlk? (1 min ago)

R we still ok? (2 min ago)

Taeeeeee (2 min ago)

Pls just dont ignre me (2 min ago)

I can explain it to u (3 min ago)

Taehyung... (3 min ago)


He may ignore but I won't give up on him just yet.

*cough* *cough*

'Now my fever just got higher. '

I guess I'll just help myself to get alright so I won't bother anyone.


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