•Chapter 37•

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Time Skip**8 years later

Taehyung's PoV

Having Ji Reun here back in Korea is fun. Sometimes during summer she would have her vacation here with me.

Of course, I was happy. But then she'll have to leave after summer.

She explained the reason why she has to stay in Japan.

I understand her and so is her brother.

She also said that they'll stay in Japan for only 5 years but they exceeded 3 years of stay in Japan for some reasons.

Too bad we can't celebrate some of the best holidays. Like Valentine's Day and New Year. Sigh.


I picked up my phone and looked at its caller ID.

Immediately answered when I knew who it is.

"Ji Reun!" I was this happy everytime I hear her angelic voice.


"As in right now?"

"Y-You should've said it yesterday so I can prepare you a gift."


After the call I gently placed my phone on the table.

She's going home today... Right now!

'What can I give her?'

An hour past by yet I can't think of something to give her.

Teddy bear?



Mmm... A ring?

That's right a ring...

A surprise proposal!

Damn... You're so clever Taehyung!

Yeah, a proposal will do. We've been together for... How many years again?

I forgot that one... Hehe.


"Ey, Jimin."

'What is it?'

"Ya know the plan right?"

'Yeah, you can count on me.'

"Thanks bro."

I entered the car and drove to a ring shop.

It took me half an hour just to choose a ring. So many to choose from!

Then I went home and called Jimin.

"Call the others here!"


Ji Reun's PoV

I looked outside through the window watching as the plane lands.

I was expecting Taehyung would be the first person I'll see. Instead it was Jimin who was currently talking through the phone.

Since he hasn't noticed me from afar yet I walked towards him.

According to his face while he was on his phone, something bad happened...?

"Jimin?" I tilted my head while putting on a confused look.

When he saw me he turned off the phone, put it on his pocket and faced me.

He was entirely shocked. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.


Hearing Taehyung's name from his mouth with a scared face, sent me chills down my spine.

"W-What happened to T-Taehyung!?" I started to panic. 'What could've happened to him? '

I started to figdet with my fingers so that I would calm down even a little.

"I-I'll tell you on the way there." He said before grabbing my arm and ride a taxi.

"So what happened to him!? Tell me!" I panicked, shaking him a little.

"He was... W-Well you see... He was... H-He-" He was nervous and stuttering too much that I can't even understand him.

"Damn it Jimin! Get hold yourself and speak calmly!" Shouting at him while grabbing tightly his shoulders.

He exhaled and looked at me with a chill face. "He was-... He got in an accident."

As those words slowly entered my ears, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

H-How did this happen?


"Why is he in his house? Shouldn't he be in a hospital?" I asked him when we were in front of Taehyung's house.

"He said to bring him to his house no matter what." He answered without looking at me.

We went inside but what made me confused is there isn't a single drop of blood in the floor.

Maybe they wiped it off already.

I followed Jimim as he lead the way to Taehyung's room.

When we were of the door he gestured me to stop. "Just wait here. I'll tell him you're already here."

Then he went inside. I peeked inside as he open the door.

It was pitch black inside.

He closed the door and like he said I should wait.

Then waited for a moment. Until I heard someone said, "C-Come in.."

It was Taehyung's voice.

His voice was very weak yet I can still hear him.

I broke down in tears as I open the door. Since it was pitch black I can't see anything but I still cried.

"T-Taehyung...*sob*" I cried as I slowly took steps forward.

Suddenly the room went brighter. I can see everything now. The guys were on the back of the room.

And Taehyung...

Was infront of me.

He was holding a small box as he knelt.

Then he slowly said these words. "Will you marry me?"

Then I cried even harder.

"S-Silly you! I-I thought y-you were in d-danger!" I said between sobs.

He chuckled and flashed his signature smile.

"So what's the answer?" He asked. I didn't say anything but instead I nodded my head.

He held my hand and put the ring on my finger.

He stood up and hugged me.

"I-I missed you!" I cried in his shoulders.

"Nado (me too)"


The day is today!

Here I am infront of the alter with Taehyung.

Everyone was here.

I'm so happy.

"You may now kiss the bride."

We smiled at each other and he slowly went closer to me until our lips touched.

His lips were still moist after all these years.

"I love you." He whispered through my ear.

I giggled and whispered back, "I love you too."



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