chapter 7 break up

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• alharaca =
an extraordinary or violent emotional reaction to a small issue.

"Oppa hurry up the shop is going to close soon!!" I yelled anxiously looking out of the window. I fiddled with my fingers waiting for the short boy to come down stairs.

What felt like an eternity later, Jimin came running down the stairs. He was still putting his socks on while walking down the stairs. I opened to front door while he quickly put his jacket on and slid on his shoes.

"Do you know what time the shop closes?" he murmured, still groggy from his nap. I sighed feeling slightly more annoyed by his lack of awareness.

I opened the front door. He came out behind me and shut the door.

"No it doesn't say online, that's why I asked you to hurry up" I stressed, tugging him arm to walk faster. We speed walked across the street and along the dimly lit roads. We went through a short cut which was through a few blocks, and was nearly there.

Yoongi told me to go buy ramen as there was no food in the house and Jimin wanted to come with me but then fell asleep. The shops are closing earlier today so I'm worried the shop will be closed.

We made a final turn down the road, to see the shop closed. 

"See Jimin I told you we had to be quick" I sighed looking at the closed sign on the door.

"I'm sorry Jagi! I didn't mean to-" Jimin paused turning towards the sound we just heard.

It was a man yelling. From the ally behind the shop, a man came running out and heading towards us.

We both took a step back and Jimin instinctively stepped in front of me. My heart started racing, scared for what was going to happen.

"Hey! Is that really you!?" The man yelled out getting closer towards us. He got to a couple feet away before I could see his face and even recognise his voice.

"Kyung Soo?" I furrowed my brow trying to make out his face clearly. The man nodded his face gleaming with a smile. He recognised me from such a distance. I was so surprised to see him.

"Wow didn't expect to see you" he spoke cheerfully. He opened his arms out for a hug and I hugged him back. I hadn't seen him in years. We were once really good friends.

jimin pov
Why is she hugging him? Who is he? I've never seen him before, she also hasn't mentioned his name before. I felt undeniably angry seeing him hugging her.

yoonji pov
I quickly pulled away from kyung Soo and glanced at Jimin to see he looked annoyed and jealous.

"Oppa this is my old friend, Kyung Soo and Kyung Soo this is my boyfriend Jimin" I introduced them both to eachother. He didn't look very comforted by his presence and glared at him.

"Old friends?" he mocked, his tone cold. I could tell he already didn't like him very much.

"Come on Jimin" I warned.

"Nice to meet you Jimin" Kyung Soo smiled at him. He gave a small nod in acknowledgment. 

"So, why are you out so late?" kyung Soo asked looking between the both of us. It was starting to get awkward between the two of them.

"Oh I came here to buy ramen for dinner but we got here too late" I shrugged glancing at Jimin with a hint of annoyance in my eyes. He looked at me seeing my expression.

"I know I know, sorry jagi" he said holding his arms up.

I sighed looking back at Kyung Soo.

"Oh, this shop?" He gestured towards the shop behind him and looked at me for an answer.

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