chapter 28 home

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• rame = something that's both chaotic and joyful at the same time.

Yoonji pov
I woke up and felt a small weight resting on my arm. I slightly opened my eyes to see jimin's head resting on my arm. I smiled to myself seeing him sleeping so peacefully.

I shut my eyes again, feeling sleepy. I didn't want to move and risk him waking up. I also don't feel like getting up either. I glanced up at the clock and saw the time reading 8:00. Mmh that's early.

"Good morning" I heard a soft voice call out. My attention went straight to the boy who had lifted his head off my arm and was stretching. He looked adorable with his hair all messy.

"Morning" I replied feeling the urge to stretch aswell.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, his eyes looking bright. I hummed and placed my hand on my chin.

"Well, how about you?" I returned the question. He smiled and giggled, rolling around to the other side. He faced me again.

"I had the best dream of you" he giggled happily. I was kind of shocked by what he said but I guess he is happy about it? I wonder what it was about.

"Really, About what?" I curiously asked, wondering what's making him so happy.

"It was the best! I dreamt of me and you being happy together for the rest of our lives" he said earning a small smile to form on my face. Happy together forever?

"We were so happy and I kind of want that to be real" he chimed, snuggling to me.

"We are happy now" I stated. He nodded and agreed.

"I know! And I'm so greatful for that" he said closing his eyes. I closed my eyes after him.

"Hey jimin, can I ask you a question?" I asked still keeping my eyes shut. I just wanted to ask something that I'm curious about. I don't know if I should, but if I don't I'll never know.

"Mmh sure" he replied.

"What happened to you?" I asked. I sighed to myself and then rubbed my forehead with the back of my palm. I opened my eyes and glanced at him, I heard his soft voice.

"What do you mean?" He asked opening his eyes and looking back at me. I shrugged and then started speaking again.

"I mean as in why do you have so much you haven't told me about yourself, your parents or even your brother?" I asked being more specific. I didn't know he had a brother until yugyeom told me himself. He has hidden it from me.

"Oh I'll be honest with one thing. I don't tell anyone about my past or childhood and don't plan on telling anyone about it now" he stated with a serious voice. Okay I hit a nerve.

"Okay it's okay, I was just asking" I quickly turned down my curiosity before curiosity really does kill the cat. Maybe he will tell me when he is ready. I wont force him to say anything right now.

"Yeah it's fine, I just don't say anything about it to anyone that's all" he said I calmer voice. I nodded understanding. It's fine if he doesn't want to share his personal stuff.

"Right, let's go eat breakfast" He grinned.


It was 3pm and I was in my bedroom, looking around bored. Jimin said he had to go to meet up with someone and that I shouldn't move from my room.

He gave me my phone back but he told me that he had blocked all contacts from my phone and deleted the ones he knew that I couldn't remember. I knew that I should have remembered yoongi's number, it could have been really useful right now.

I just had a few games on my phone that I could play and he had WI-FI so I could watch videos on YouTube. I have been so bored doing nothing for days, so I guess this is a change.

It hasn't been long from when be left, just about half an hour. I looked towards my phone which laid on the bedside table. I contemplated going on it. He shouldn't shouldn't be out for long.

I was really not enjoying it being alone in this house. When I know at the back of my mind, someone has died here. And the murderer is jimin.

It was beyond unsettling but I just want to put that all behind me. He promised.. He can't break a promise.

I threw my phone up into the air and caught it a few times before stopping to lay down. I wonder why I don't feel the urge to get up and leave? I mean I don't think I can, but I don't know why I'm not trying.

Do I really want to stay here? No- but he isn't the same anymore. Could he possibly change back into his old self? Would he lie to me?

I groaned in frustration and lightly smacked my head again the headboard.

I decided to go on my phone and play another game. Its better than being eaten alive by boredom. I played on my phone for around half an hour more before I heard the bedroom door open.

I quickly looked up to see jimin walking in. He took his jacket off and placed it at the foot of the bed. He sighed loudly and smiled at me.

"How are you jagi?" He chimed gesturing for a hug. I stood up and hugged him back. We stayed like that for a while before I pulled away. "I'm great" I mumbled, with a little sarcasm.

"Really? Are you?" He questioned with a wiggly eyebrow. I grinned and sighed.

"Well, being told to stay in a room with only a phone isn't really fun is it?" I questioned plopping down on the bed.

"Mmm I guess it isn't" he agreed sitting just besides me. An arm slung loosely around me.

"Seeing as you have been good, I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to be able to roam around" he smiled at me wondering about my reaction.

My eyes widened and I almost squealed.

"Oh gosh really!?" I almost shreiked becoming so happy with the freedom he gave. I would be able to walk around and I won't be bored.

I wouldn't just be stuck in this one room anymore. It was becoming alot more suffocating to be in here for days at a time.

He nodded and I hugged him again. He hugged back laughing to himself. I pulled away and looked at him weirdly.

"You're so happy, I'm sorry jagi" he apologised for laughing but kept the smile on his face.

We laid on the blanket and looked up at the blank ceiling once again. I don't know why we do this alot, I guess it's just his way of bonding?

I was silent and calming. I had my head resting on his shoulder and his arms draped around my waist.

"Hey jimin?" I called out. I heard a hum for a response. It was relaxing being in such a calm manor. I traced the purple-ish yellow marks on my wrist with my fingers and sighed.

"Are you going to break your promise?" I asked snuggling my chin next to his neck. I felt him shuffle a little bit underneath me. I didn't come back for him to break it. Not again.

"Mm nope, I will keep my promise jagi," he vowed holding out his pinky finger. I gigled to myself and interlocked pinkies, forgetting all my worries. That was our promise sealed.

Now he can't break the promise we made.

(A/N Hey people how long should I make this book? Its getting quite long and I'm wondering if you guys still enjoy reading my story. Just coment if you want it to end in a specific number of chapters e.g 'at chaper 40' or so. Thanks for reading xxx 🤗)

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