chapter 13 attempted escape

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Yoonji pov
He walked out of the room as he gestured me to follow him out. I followed him untill we reached the car.

"Ladies first" he said as he held his hand out to help me in the car.

"I can get in the car myself" I said dogging his hand and getting in the car. I shut the door loudly behind me. Then I sat there waiting for him to sit in the car.

"So much for being nice" he pouted muttering to himself as he made his way to the drivers seat. He ignighted the key and the car roared to life.

We both sat there quietly before driving off. We passed many buildings and houses. We were in a part of town I did not recognise at all. How far could he have possibly taken me?

"Where are we?" I asked.

He didnt say anything for a while. I thought he wasn't going to answer. I was worried for the answer.

"Busan" he replied. My eyes widened. He brought me to Busan!? All the way here so far away from everyone we know.

"Where are we going now?" I questioned clasping my fingers along the bottom of my seatbelt. I fidgeted with it due to the prominent panic I was starting to feel. I was trying my hardest to calm myself down to prevent a panic attack.

"Somewhere" he grinned looking at the road in front. I would have been better off not asking.

"Where?" I asked looking in his direction pushing for him to answer. He still kept his eyes to the road, ignoring me. I started getting frustrated with his short replies.

"Where are you taking me!?"

"I'm taking you out to dinner" he spoke calmly, despite my frenzied composure.

I rested my head on the window and looked outside. I felt more hopeless with this new information, but thinking like that wasn't going to help me.

I sat there watching the lights flow past as we drove through the evening. We were moving further away from the convenience stores and small lit up buildings.

When we stopped at a red light, I felt jimin's gaze on me. As soon as I looked at him, he looked back at the road. His demeanour worried me.

"What is it?" I asked glancing at him and waiting for an answer. He looked back at me again and then started to speak.

"I want to remind you to behave while we are out. When ever we leave our house, wether in public or not you have to listen to everything I say. I will not tolerate any kind of misbehaving. Do not try to tell anyone about what is happening between us also don't even think about escaping. If you do there will be consequences. I think you already know that" he spoke firmly. For some reason I believed every word he said.

"I make myself clear, right yoonji?" He asked me, our eyes locked on each other.

"Yeah" I said breaking eye contact and looking anywhere else away from him.

"Good" he smiled looking back at the road as the light turned green.

I have to find a way out of here, soon.


We pulled up to a big door with two large guards standing in front.

"Wow" I muttered to myself. I looked around the front of the buildings and it looked quite fancy and elegant. Jimin smiled and stepped out of the car opening the door for me and holding his hand out for me to take. It makes me wonder how much money he really has, even if he had much.

I took his hand but only because of what he said earlier.

We both walked up to the guards at the door. We both walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.

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