chapter 27 happy

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• pistanthrophobia =
the fear of trusting people due to past experiences with relationships gone bad.

Jimin pov
I turned back to look over my shoulder and she had a small frown on her face. I opened the front door and looked at yugyeom. He had a subtle smile on his face as he watched me leave.

He waved me goodbye and I waved back, gladly. We had fixed something that I though was impossible to fix. And I'm really happy. I shut the front door and walked towards where I had parked the car.

Yoonji had relaxed as we started walking and by the time we got to the car, she looked tired. I unlocked the door and opened the passenger seat door for her to sit.

I glanced at her and she looked down and rocked back and forth on her feet.

"What's wrong jagi?" my eyes softened seeing her nervous expression.

"I-I don't want to go back" she said quickly looking up to see my face and then back, gazing around. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why doesn't she want to go back?

"Why?" I questioned with a raised brow.

"Have you forgiven me? What if you get mad again-" "I'm sorry, yoonji. I promise I will change for you" I said, looking at her with sincerity in my eyes. I really want to change my ways. I don't want to be controlled by something anymore.

I want to find who i am and show her my side of me.

She looked taken aback by my statement but looked into my eyes. We made eye contact for a while before she broke it.

"You promise?" She asked with a hopeful glee in her voice. I pulled her into a gental hug and she didn't push me away.

"I promise" I promised, gentally kissing her forehead. I felt her smile in my shoulder and we pulled apart from the hug.

"Let's go home now" I smiled to myself when she sat in the car and shut the door. I got in the car too and I started driving home.

It did take long for us to get home and I finally was able to stop driving. I was tired too. It took around 50 minutes to get back.

I opened my car door and she got out behind me. I locked the car and unlocked the front door to the house. We both walked in and she shut the door after us. She had a gleaming smile on her face. I chuckles seeing her expressions.

Yeah this is the first time she has actually seen the house properly. I saw her eyes wander around for a while before falling back on me.

"This place is beautiful" she complemented. I chuckled slightly and nodded.

"It is, isn't it?" I agreed and walked towards the sofa. She followed behind me slowly. I saw her being a little nervous on what to do, so I gestured her to me.

We both sat down, besides each other. I grabbed the tv remote off of the table besides me and switched on a channel. I softly placed arm around her shoulder and we cuddled, watching tv.

She seemed as if she was happier. And that makes me happier. We were now happy like we used to be, before I made that mistake. I really hope Yoongi Hyung knows that I didn't mean it. It was just anger.

"Hey what time is it?" She randomly asked, resting her head on my shoulder. I  switched on my phone and check the time. It was 10:00. It was getting late.

"I'm tired now" she mumbled rubbing her eyes, tiredly. I was also tempted to fall asleep here. We should actually go to bed, or she would be cold sleeping here.

"Okay then, let's go to bed" I grumbled switching off the tv and standing up. She stood up after me and we both walked out of the living room. She followed right behind me.

I switched off the lights in the living room and then we headed upstairs. I glanced back and she looked so tired, as if she was half sleeping.

We reached my room and she gave me a questioning look.

"You will sleep with me tonight, like last time" I said earning a sleepy nod from her. A small smile slipped on my lips seeing her eyes half shut.


I quickly opened my door and I brought her in, she looked like she could just fall on the floor and sleep there. But I can't let her sleep on the floor. Not as long as I'm alive.

She almost collapsed on the bed and the lazily rolled to the other side. I chuckled and then shut the door and switched off the light, making my way to the bed aswell. She looked like she was already sleeping.

The lamp was the only sorce of light. I slipped into bed myself and switched off the lamp. I cuddled up to her and she felt my presence and cuddled up too.

I smiled happily to myself. She is finally happy with being mine. And I'm happy too.

"Goodnight jagi"

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