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 Im on my bed staring at the ceiling when Brad , the biggest jerk of a nurse entered my room .

"Megan ,your doc wanna see you ."

I sighed and got up . I followed him out of the room and into the room of Dr.Tillman . He left , i dont know why but he did . Brad opened the door and i went and sat on the chair im supposed to sit . Brad just stood at the door . I didnt look up just kept staring at my hands . Then i heard the voice of the guy whom i helped before . 

"Megan Roark ."

I didnt reply . That s what i do . I dont talk to anyone around here . Its been three fucking years but i still dont talk . They tried , everyone tried talking to me . But i knew that its good to keep my mouth shut .  

"Im Tristan Simmons . Your new doctor . "

I just stared at my hands. 

"Well , its says here in your file that you killed your brother and his friend . May i ask why ?"

I didnt reply . Thats a big fat lie . I killed Nicholas . I didnt kill Oliver . Its just a lie created by a bunch of idiots . I hate them . I hate each and every one of them . Boy , how i wish to punch everyone of them just once in my life . 

"She doesnt talk to anyone . Its a waste of time . "

Brad supplied for me . God , how much i wish to use my powers on him . Yup, you heard me right . And Oliver was right all along . I've got a lot of powers . 

"Escort her back to her room , Brad ."

I guess he gave up . I mean i kinda spaced out while he was talking to me . And Dr . Tillman still used to talk to me even after three years . He never gave up . Well , until he left his job . I stood up and Brad moved aside from the door . I opened the door and started walking towards my room . Brad knew that i will go to my room . So , he didnt follow me . Actually , i never come out of my room . I only come out during lunch and during dinner to eat with everyone . I just sit by myself , eat and leave . And noone by that i mean noone comes to me or to my room except headnurse Reese and Dr .Tillman . He comes to talk to me and she gets me books to read . I became good friends with her . I just say a few little things and she understands what im saying . Im lying on my bed thinking when Reese knocked on the door and walked in . 

"Here you go ,Megan . The books you asked for . Finished the older ones ?"

I nodded . She replaced the new books with old ones and turned around . 

"And its time for lunch . You better get going . "

I nodded again . She was about to leave when i called her .

"Reese ?"

She turned around and smiled . Its not like i talk more often or start conversations for that matter . 

"Dr .Tillman ?"

Her face turned sad . 

"He died in his office last week , heart attack ."

I just nodded and she left . Im sad that he died . These three years i got used to his non stop banter everyday . He'd talk about his problems or his childhood memories or his hilarious family dinners or about his wife and children .I never talk so he does all the talking and he would send Brad out and that grumpy guard would wait outside .I miss that oldman a lot .I of all people should know better that nothing lasts forever in this world,nothing . I sighed and got up to have lunch . Lunch was norma like always and i went into my room after that . 

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