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 I looked around my room thinking of a way out of here . I can break the window bars but i cant fix them back . Walking through the main door is not going to happen . What to do ? Idiot . You can teleport yourself or walk through the wall , that inner voice advised me . Right , i cant teleport myself because i dont know how the other side of this wall looks like . So , walking through the wall it is. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath . I stared at the wall infront of me , trying to concentrate and when i felt it getting transparent i ran towards it . I passed through the wall and fell face first on to the grass.I groaned and got up.I should practice more.I quickly turned invivcible,so the cameras won't catch me and ran towards the fence and passed through it after a while.I saw Tristan's car.I cant run after his car nor i can hail a cab i dn't have money.I can't jump like superheores or spider man or superman like that.You can fly dumb ass.Right Oliver said that i can fly.Ok . Now how to fly?? I jumped up and down like my butt is on fire but I'm not flying. May be like super man i need to have a pose.I tried all kinds of things but nothing happend.Tristan's car is gone.Great,just great!!!!! 

I took deep breaths, looked up at the night sky,decided that i had to fly and jumped up.The next thing i knew i m flying.I tried to go higher into the sky to stay invincible and followed Tristan's car. Finally after an half an hour of driving, he stopped in front of a nice house.He parked his car and went inside.I stayed in the sky until he entered and then landed on the ground.But slipped my footing and feel down. I should practice landing more often. I kept my distance and observed him.He turned on the lights and i went into his backyard.His house looks good from here. His living room was quite nice even his kitchen was nice.He had a dog.And he lives alone.No one's home.So,no girl friend.My heart skipped a beat when my brain registered that. OK.... Why the hell do i care if he had a girl friend or not???? After a while he opened his back door and his dog ran out.It saw me and growled.It started barking at me.I slowly moved towards it and let it sniff me.It stopped barking and let me pet it.

"What s wrong , Alph ?"

Tristan stepped into the backyard . He is just wearing his jeans . I quickly turned invicible and tried not to stare at him . He looked around and went inside . 

"If you are done , come inside . Its cold out there ."

 I looked around and realized that he s talking to his dog . I played with it for a while and decided to head back before anyone notices me missing . I jumped up and started flying around the city before heading back . I looked around and its really beautiful at night . I just gaped at the entire scenary infront of me . Im flying past downtown when i heard something . Yes , i can hear pretty good and No , im not a vampire or werewolf . Anyway i squinted my eyes trying to make out what s going on. Some one is robbing a store and they broke the glass. Well , i can stop it . I have powers . I can help people and save people too . Thats what superheroes do , right ? They have costumes . I dont have one . Its not time for costumes , idiot . I landed a few feet away from the store and caught the black scarf that came flying from the store . I quickly covered my face with the scarf , only my eyes are visible now .  I ran to the store and found three guys emptying the cash register . 

"Hey , guys ."

They turned to look at me . They all had masks on their faces . One of them smirked. 

"What s it beautiful ?"

"You mind leaving the money here or you want to get your ass kicked?"

I asked innocently . They all laughed aloud . One of them took a gun out nad pointed it at me . Ok . I didnt expect that and i dont want to get hurt .

THE GIRL IN THE BLACK MASKWhere stories live. Discover now