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 Its around 6 am and im back just 4 houra ago . I was sound asleep but there were annoying noises outside my room . What the hell ? I got out of my bed , rubbing my eyes and stfling a yawn . I opened the door and saw people everywhere . Nurses , doctors , paramedics and . . . . . cops . Something is wrong . I started walking towards Reese s desk , still rubbing my eyes out of sleep and walked straight into a hard chest . The familiar smell of cologne filled my senses . Tristan . I looked up and saw him . He looked sad and ready to cry any second . I helped him to his office and onto the couch in the corner . I sat beside him silently and observed that he is tring so hard not to cry . 

"Its good to let it all out , Tristan ."

He jerked his head in my direction and then hugged me tight and started crying . I never thought that he 'd cry most of all people . But i guess the saying is true 'Real men cry '. I let him get it all out . He will tell me if he want to . After a while , he pulledd away and loked down at his feet . 

"He was a good man . I was really close to him from my childhood , more than my dad . He taught me so many things . He was the reason im here . He was an inspiration to me . He ' d attend all family dinners and parties no matter how busy he was . His first importance always was to his family . "

I really dont want to intrude but i dont know who he s talking about . He sensed that i dont know what he is talking about and replied me . 

"The dean , he was my uncle . He is . . . . . dead ."

"What ?"

I shrieked . He was really a good man . After Reese and Dr .Tillman , i trust him the most . I mean not that much trust but well , you get what im saying . He was very generous of me . Gave me privacy , allowed me to roam freely around the building and all the other stuff like taht . 

"I dont know how my mom takes this news . She likes him a lot . He s her little brother ."

I held his hand in mine and squeezed it . 

"How ?"

"He was murdered . There s blood everywhere ."

"Why would someone want to . . . . .. . kill him ?"

Realization hit me . He was murdered because of me , so was Dr.Tillman . They tried to get me out of this place and they died . Its my fault . And Tristan , he tried to get me out of here too . I have to save him . 

"I dont know ,Megan."

"Im sorry."

"Im sorry too for you know . . . . .. . "

"Its ok , Tristan."

I left his room giving him some space and locked it while leaving . I quickly turned invicible when no one is seeing and made my way to the dean s room . I entered the familiar room . I was here before once or twice . I found his body on the ground near his desk . There s a big cut to his throat . I went near his body to observe the injury . Its a bit deep near the right . The cut is from right to left which means that the killer is a left handed person and he killed him from the back probably the dean didnt see him , which means that person had access to this room . I quickly scanned around the room to find any clues but didnt find anything . I heard two detectives talking .

"The video feed from yesterday was stolen . The guard was knocked unconcious last night ."

"Where s the guard ?"

"In a hospital."

"I wanna talk to him."

"I'll see to it ."

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