Calling 000 [Chapter 22]

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Jai’s POV


“So anyone find out where Skyla is?” Beau yelled out to Luke and I, we had all just finished dinner and Beau was in the kitchen washing up while Luke and I watched my strange addiction.

“She’s at mum’s” Luke yelled back in response

“Yep!” I yelled after Luke popping the ‘p’

It wasn’t long until Beau finished washing up and came and joined us, one of the people on the show had an addiction with the smell of bleach, she cleaned her house top to bottom everyday with bleach, washed her hands with bleach and bathed herself in bleached… it was weird. There was a knock at the door and Luke went to answer, “sorry who are you?” I heard Luke say, and then there was a loud bang, like a gunshot… Beau and I jumped up and sat behind the lounge and say a man walk past he looked about 5’9, he had short blonde hair and blue eyes, a gun sat in his left hand and a knife in the other. I felt myself shaking, I turned to look at Beau who was in the same state as me, I poked my head around the corner of the lounge and saw Luke on the ground, a pool of red liquid staining the white carpet, I felt tears run down my face and a nervous feeling pool in my stomach, Beau covered my mouth so I didn’t make any noise.

“Go out the side door, go into the shed and lock yourself in there okay?”  Beau whispered to me, I shook my head, only one person can fit in it.

“I’m not leaving you” I sobbed

“Jai, I love you, your my little brother, I’ll always protect you okay? I will always love you no matter what happens” he smiled slightly, his bottom lip quivering; I could tell he was scared, anyone would be in this situation though. A loud shatter noise filled the quiet house, and soon the sweet smell of Skyla’s perfume filled the house, Beau pushed me to go, I hugged him and told him I loved him and ran towards the side door, I slide out slowly closing the door making the least noise as possible, I got to the shed and noticed the man standing in Beau and Skyla’s room, I accidentally kicked the shed not watching where I was going making a loud clash noise, the man turned and shot a bullet, it go the side of my arm, I ignored the pain and did what Beau told me to, I ran into the shed and locked it from the inside behind me, I quickly dialled 000 quickly

“Triple zero, what’s your emergency?” a lady’s voice said quickly

“There’s a gun man in my house, he has killed one of my brothers, I’m locked in the shed, I’ve been shot as well, hurry!” I screamed down the phone, I was freaking out now. I could hear smashing noises inside

“Please stay on the line sir, what’s your name?” the lady questioned me

“Jai, Jai Brooks” I said calming down a little more, when there was a loud bang at the shed door, my heart beat started to quicken again, it was like someone was kicking it, I put my phone down on the bench and then picked up a big plank of wood, and was ready to face whoever was outside of the door, another kick, and the door was down, without even looking at who it was I swung the wood and hit them square in the face.

I picked my phone back up and held it to my ear, “Jai, what’s happening? Are you okay?” the lady said calmly down the phone, “police are on the way” she added, she must have heard my heavy breathing,

I turned back around to see the gun just next to the guy’s head and Beau running over to get it, “stay there Jai” he yelled out, I took a few steps back as I saw the man start to move

"Beau don’t do it” I screamed, but it was too late, Beau leant over to get the gun when the man pulled out his knife and stabbed Beau, I could feel myself freeze, Beau let out a scream, “Beau!” I screamed running towards him, the man still lying underneath him; I picked up the gun that was next to the man and took a few steps back,

“I love you Jai, and mum” Beau said, trailing off at the end, I leant in to hear what else he had to say “and Luke, and Sky, look after her” he said weakly,

“Beau, stay with me!” I yelled tears continuously cascading down my face,

“Bye Jai” he said, a small curve of the lips sending me one last smile, the man pushed Beau off, and I could hear sirens becoming clearer, my hands started to tremble as I held the gun in my hand,

“Give me the gun” the man growled, I stood there in shock not knowing what to do, “give it to me!” he screamed as the sirens got closer, my hands just kept shaking. He walked up to me snatching the gun off me, and pointing it to his heart, “take care of Skyla” he said before a loud gun shot went off and he fell to the ground, I could feel my knees give out on me and realised the call on my phone to 000 was still on, I picked up the phone from the ground that was now smashed, and loud sobs came out of my mouth

“Jai, it’s okay, police are pulling up now, I’m come get you, where are you?” the lady asked,

“In the shed still” I said bluntly, and then the line went dead.

I sat on the ground curled up, letting loud cried come from my body being the only sound that I heard for a while, flashbacks of Beau’s face played in his face, from when he got stabbed to his last smile.

"Jai?” a women’s voice spoke, similar to the one I spoke to on the phone, I looked up to see a lady with about half a dozen of police behind her, she leant out her arm for me to take, which I did. She took me inside to get checked over, when Skyla came, I couldn’t say anything to her, I wanted to but I was just in way to much shock.


It had been a week since the funeral and two weeks since the whole night of the death of my brothers, I hadn’t spoken to anyone besides the funeral. Mum’s gone away on a holiday to try and relax herself, she offered for Skyla and I too come but we have a lot of things to take care of back here. I could always hear her crying at night although she wouldn’t admit it to me. At the moment were staying at mum’s house, she didn’t mind considering she wasn’t there, just yesterday we had an auction for the house, it surprisingly went for $990,547. It would take just over a week to get the walls and damage repaired and we could get rid of it, James and Skip have offered to come and help get the stuff we wanted out of the house, I don’t think there will be much though. We did however buy a new house a couple of streets away, it had 3 rooms, 2 living rooms, 3 bathrooms and a big kitchen, so we were quiet happy. This house was just a bit smaller than our old house, but it was two stories, we spent a little more money on it, I guess we just wanted to have a nice fresh start?

“Jai do you want this?” I heard James yell out,

I ran into Skyla and Beaus room and it was just one of Beaus old hats, I nodded biting my lip trying to hold back my tears. James left the room leaving me by myself, I lifted up his pillow stripping the cover off when a book fell out, and it was brown and ratty almost falling apart, on the front it had ‘Days Without You’ and a picture of Skyla, I opened up the book and saw Beaus writing and then a series of tally marks, I kept flicking through until it went blank, I flicked to the back, blank. I flicked to the middle and it looked like he was writing letters to Skyla? My eyes started to read over what he had written, it was some of his most recent ones when Skyla must have went to Sydney to go on her cruise with her friend, my eyes walked over the words, and I began to feel how much he truly loved her.

“Jai what’s that?” Skyla said standing at the doorway; her eyes darted to the book and back to me,

“Oh uh, n-nothing” I stammered, closing the book quickly and placing it in between my legs out of sight. She can’t see this, what if Beau never wanted her to see it? What if it’s too soon for her to read things that Beau had written to her and about her?



Hello everyone :)

sorry for the late upload, i was really busy, might be a bit of a wait again for a chapter, have a stack of assingments and work to catch up on, thanks for reading and voting and all the support :) apprently on Beau's twitcam the other day he said 'i love Skyla' how funny right? i only watched a bit, did anyone international fans watch Luke and Jai's? i was up at some ungoodly time in the morning watching, anyways thats enough of my rambling, hope you liked the chapter.

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