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“Audrey! Jai! Hurry up or were going to be late!” I yelled up the stairs hearing them running around,

“Coming mummy!” Audrey squealed followed by a little giggle,

I sat down in the single arm chair that was by the door waiting for my two favourite people in the world to come down the stairs, I heard someone run down the stairs and out came Jai, he looked flustered, he decided that he was getting Audrey ready for her first day at school,

“Where’s my princess?” I questioned him; a smirk growing across my face as he frantically ran back up the stairs.

“Audrey! You can’t wear that!” I heard him say

“But Uncle Jai!” I heard a little voice say in response making me giggle.

There was a few my thumps and running around before I heard little footsteps come down the stairs, Jai standing by her side, her hair fell neatly but still ruffled, it was brown and silky just like Beau’s, her olive skin stood out from the red and white uniform, her green eyes were as piercing as Beau’s, she just looked like a girl version of him. She smiled running over to me to give me a hug, whenever she smiled I couldn’t help but picture the night Savannah gave me Audrey, when she first was in my arms Savannah smiled, and it was the same smile my little Audrey had.

“Smile” Jai said in a cheerful voice dragging out the ‘e’, he whipped out his phone and took a few pictures of Audrey and me. I went to kiss her cheek but she moved making me kiss the side of her nose, she scrunched it just the way Beau would whenever I did that to him.

“Go stand next to Uncle Jai, and I’ll take a photo of you guys” I smiled at Audrey pinching her cheeks

“Come on Uncle Jai” she said excitedly, she grabbed his hand and pulled him down so he was crouching down balancing on his toes, he put his arm around her and pulled her in closer to him, I snapped a picture, after they heard the click Jai started to tickle her and I couldn’t help but snap a few more pictures.

“Can we go to Nonna’s?” Audrey questioned Jai,

“She’s going to meet us at school, alright?” Jai informed Audrey, earning a little nod from her.

Jai made a little sound effect swooping Audrey of her feet and over his shoulder and in one swift move leaning down and picking up her bag also. We made our way out to the car, Jai handed me Audrey and I chucked him the keys, I strapped her into her pink car seat, she picked it out herself and then closed the door. I walked around to the other side of the car jumping into the passenger seat and putting Audrey’s bag on the floor. We reversed out of the driveway and made our way to the school, my little baby is all grown up.

“So what did you pack her for lunch?” Jai questioned me

“Banana and apple popper, your little fruit salad thing you made her, a muesli bar and a nutella sandwich” I smiled at him, thinking of what a great first day she was going to have

“You forgot a rollup!” he said letting out a sigh,

“How about next time you make the lunch, I’ll get her dressed, can you drop me off to work after this as well?” I giggled; I was a TV host for a reality show that was currently a big hit on TV

“Yep” he said popping the ‘p’

“Mummy! Uncle Jai! Is that the school?” Audrey squealed from the backseat

“That’s it princess” I smiled back at her, she looked like she was about to burst with excitement, I had developed a pet name of calling her princess, after all, I did treat her like one.

Jai parked the car, I got out grabbing Audrey’s bag and Jai unstrapped Audrey, we walked up the oval to where the coal was, all the kindergarten’s had to meet at their rooms, we walked a few flight of stairs, which had low maintenance gardens on either sides, as soon as we reached the kindergarten rooms there was a sea of little children, mums, dads, grandparents and friends.

“Nonna!” Audrey squealed running of too Gina,

“Look at you!” she cooed taking in Audrey’s appearance,

After having a short chat with Gina, the bell rang and it was time for Audrey to go to class, she gave us all a big hug, I felt her hand grab mine and we went over to her classroom, it was the one on the very end, it was called KPurple which meant Kinder Purple, the 4 Kindergarten rooms were named after colours.

“So you must be Audrey’s mum?” a male voice said from behind me, I turned my head quickly to see a man, he had brown hair that was combed back, olive skin, blue eyes and quite a tall muscular figure.

“Yes, that’s me” I smiled slightly, I could feel Audrey smiling at him

“Mr. Burrows!” she cried wrapping her arms around his legs,

“I’ve never met you, Gina or Jai always came to her headstart programs” Mr. Burrows said,

“I was busy working, but I wouldn’t miss this day for anything” I smiled at him

“You’re the presenter off The Office right?” he questioned me,

“Yeah” I giggled,

“Well I've never introduced myself, I’m Michael, Michael Burrows” he said putting his hand out

“Skyla Partridge” I smiled shaking his hand

“Skyla! You’re going to be late for work!” Jai called out to me,

“It was nice meeting you, but I have to go, sorry” I smiled at him hugging Audrey

“Bye princess, I’ll see you this afternoon”

“Bye mummy” she said sweetly before entering the class room with Michael

I ran over towards where Gina and Jai were, they both just smirked at me

“Oh come on, his Audrey’s teacher” I laughed, but they both exchanged the same look,

Jai and I said our goodbye’s to Gina before exiting the school and getting back in the car

“Our little princess has grown up” Jai smiled as we drove off.

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