Baby Pink Walls [Chapter 17]

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The pain was unbearable, I could feel the baby was in pain as well, I was in the doctor’s office, laying on a bed, Izzy was next to me while the doctor ran some tests, I didn’t want to lose the baby, as much as I thought I was too young, and how Beau didn’t like it at the start, I was really excited to have a little girl running around the house.  I completely zoned out of everything just letting every negative thought run through my mind, I didn’t even know there were so many negative thoughts to one situation, I feel horrible, absolutely horrid, what if I was the cause of my baby’s death, not just my baby, but also Beau’s. Jai and Luke would be so upset they wouldn’t be an uncle. I felt a liquid trickle down my face leaving a salty taste at my mouth, I felt a soft hand grab my hand and sit me up. My eyes were locked with the doctors; a cheerful smile was plastered across his face, which gave me hope that the baby was fine. “your very lucky, but the baby’s fine, you’re just going to have to take it easy for the next couple of weeks” the doctor happily informed me, I squealed with joy, he gave me some vitamins to take to get the baby’s strength back up again, I let out a sigh of relief.

Izzy helped me back to my cabin she was just a couple of doors up from mine and Claudia’s cabin. I thanked Izzy and entered the cabin locking the door behind me, it was dark and all I could hear was the sound of the waves around us, I flicked on the hallway light and looked into Claudia’s room, she was all snuggled up in bed sound asleep, I smiled to myself then turned the light off heading towards my room, I got out of the clothes I was in putting on some trackies and a singlet. I curled up in bed relaxed knowing that the baby was okay and I wouldn’t have to worry about it at all.


Quite a few days went past, the same things happening over and over again, wake up, have my vitamins, go to the doctor’s office, get a check up on the baby, go have breakfast, get off at a new port, go explore, come back, have dinner, take vitamins, go to sleep. I really thought the cruise would be more exciting but I just wanted to get home, go to Melbourne and see Beau, and see Jai and Luke. Which is why today I was very, today was the day we arrived back in Sydney, Luke had flown down to come get me, he didn’t tell Jai or Beau though, he said it was a UNI trip. The ship pulled to a halt and everyone tried to get off the boat frantically, looking for family members, relatives and friends. I told Luke that me and Claudia we’d meet him back at home, we went to the private parking to put our stuff in the range rover, we brang back more than we packed so I took a little longer for us to pack, when we finally finished that we jumped in and drove back to the apartment.

“Luke” I yelled through the house,

“In here” he yelled back in reply, my heart race sped up when I heard his voice

I walked towards the lounge room to see him walking towards me, he smiled and engulfed me in a hug, it lasted for a while, I just needed that hug, it felt, right. “Are you gonna come back with me?” he whispered in my ear

I nodded into his chest; I was ready to face Beau again. It had been almost 2 months since I had seen him, nervous washed throughout my body, I had told Claudia a couple of days ago that I was going back to Melbourne, she didn’t mind. I didn’t need to pack because my bags were already pack from the cruise so I just checked in a few clean clothes and some other small things, Luke drove the range rover back and I was in the passenger seat, we made small talk every now and then, turned up the music and sung with each other but something was bugging him, I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it though.

“Sky!” Jai shrieked embracing me in a hug as I walked through the door not even giving me enough time to close the door

“Hey Jai” I smiled, he moved away and we talked for a while

“I have something to show you!” he squealed,

We walked towards what I thought was Luke’s study area but was now a pretty pink nursery, the walls were a pastille pink, with butterflies painted in different spots around the rooms, a white cot with pink covers sat in the corner with a small bookshelf next to it with little books, a rocking chair sat in the other corner of the room, next to the window where a dim light shone through, a chest of wooden draws where close to the door and a box of toys sat beside the rocking chair, it was the perfect room, I could imagine myself sitting in the rocking chair holding my soon to be baby girl, reading a book to her while she fell asleep in my arms my good thoughts where interrupted by Beau’s voice, his voice made my heart skip a beat every time, I’m not sure its whether I’m nervous to see him again or not

“Luke, Jai, I’m going to Savannahs ultrasound” he called out, did he just say ultrasound? I looked up to see Jai’s jaw was grazing the ground, “Jai?” he trailed off turning into the room to see Jai, Luke and I standing the dumbfounded, he mumbled something under his breath but I didn’t quite catch it.

“Sky, hey. How uh, are you?” he said uneasily,

“Who’s Savannah?” I asked weakly, I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.

“Well’ Beau started

“Don’t” Luke said sternly interrupting him

“you remember the girl at the party?” Beau asked me ignoring his brother; I just nodded my head biting my lip at what was going to come next

“Beau” Jai breathed interrupting him again

“I lied” Beau looked down; I bit my lip hard trying to figure out what he was saying. I looked up at him, tears welling my eyes when I did, he cheated on me. I brushed past Beau and walked straight towards my room, it was just the same as I had left it,

“Sky” Luke said grabbing my shoulder, I shrugged him off.

“Is this why you wanted me to come back? So you could tell me this?”  I sobbed, he went to say something but before I could I turned on my heels and went inside my room, closing and locking the door behind me.



Hey guys thank you so much for reading and all the continuous support i get from all of you, i do try to comment back. if you want to message me desperately about something, tweet me on twitter @arielmalcolm1 or message me on tumblr

sorry if this chapter seems a little rushed, i tried my best.

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