Mr Ryan Partridge [Chapter 19]

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I woke up with my head rested on Beau’s chest and his arm snaked around my shoulder bringing me closer to him, I forgot to close the blinds last night, my eyes adjusted to the light as I wiggled out of his grip, I looked in the mirror quickly putting my hair up into a ponytail and then opening the door quietly closing it behind me.

The smell of bacon and eggs led me to the kitchen, I saw Jai cooking and singing quietly away to himself, I smiled and walked over behind him.

“Boo!” I yelled in his ear, he let out a girlish scream placing a hand on over his heart; he was always the most frightened one out of the three boys.

“Sky… don’t do that to me, you know I get scared easy” he half yelled, his eyes wide still looking a bit frightened, “Luke wants to talk to you by the way, his watching  TV” he smiled and then I mirrored his face.

I wandered through the dining room and then into the lounge room, the lights were off, the TV was the only thing lighting the room, I could on just see Luke’s feet sticking on the edge of the sofa, he was lounged lazily over it, I cleared my throat as I walked over, he shot up and scooted over making room for me, I sat down and looked over at him, he pulled his knees in close to him as if he didn’t want to be near me, which was strange.

“Jai said you wanted to talk to me?” I questioned him getting straight to the point, there was obviously something wrong and I didn’t want it to turn our friendship awkward. He shuffled over so his back was against the arm of the sofa and his body was faced towards me.

“Listen Sky” he started then paused “I don’t think you should be with Beau anymore”

“But were not together at the moment Luke, and even if we were, it’s not your decision!” I spat at him, anger clearly written over my face and in my voice. He can’t just say something like that, since when did he care about Beau and my relationship anyways?

“Sky, you know I wouldn’t have treated you like this if I was going out with you, no one-“ I cut him off

“If you were going out with me?” I questioned him in disbelief, if he was going out with me, Luke and I finished our relationship over 5 years ago.

He sat there a bit shocked at his own words, I popped an eyebrow at him leaning a little closer making sure he could actually see my face, he opened his mouth and then closed it again, and no words came out. He shook his head, got up and walked out of the room, now that was weird.  It was like as if it was on cue Jai came in with two plates of food in his hand, he gave a half smile, like he was unsure of what happened, I have a gut feeling they planned this.  I felt the couch dip beside me, I turned to look at him not really want to talk about it but he brang it up again of course.

“So Sky, I kind of agree with-“ he started but before he could even say his name,

“I don’t want to hear it Jai, what is with you boys, you think you would give me a break for a day or so, I just had a freaking miscarriage and your putting all of this on me” I screamed at him, putting my down on the coffee table and heading to the door, “use are pathetic” I whispered weakly loud enough only for him to hear,

I ran into my room opening the door and slamming it behind me, a few tears rolling down my face, i could see Beau starting to wake up, but I just shrugged it off and grabbed my backpack, putting clothes, toiletries, my wallet, perfume, phone and its charger in it. “Sky, whats wrong?” Beau said in his morning raspy voice sitting up slowly, I didn’t reply.

I quickly put on a pair of denim skinny jeans, and a ¾ shirt with blue sleeves and a tiger face in the middle, I put my backpack on and walked out the door slamming it shut behind me before Beau could ask for the 5 time where I was going, I put on my white chucks that were at the door and slammed the front door behind me before walking quickly down the street, I walked a little so I was far enough away from the house so I couldn’t see it, I sat down at a bench and pulled my knees into my chest and freely let the tears I had been holding back run down my face.

I cried for the little girl I had lost.

I cried for my mum.

I cried for ruining everything with Beau, Luke, Jai, James and Skip.

Those five boys were my best friends; I blew it with all of them. I heard footsteps approaching me and then felt someone caressing my shoulder, I turned to see a man sitting next to me, for some reason he looked familiar but I could say I've never seen him in my life. He had short blonde hair which was slicked back except for one piece that covered the smallest bit of his bright blue eyes, he smiled at me, his teeth bright white, I got up and took a few steps backwards the man got up and steps towards me as I took them back. “Can I help you?” I ask still walking backwards hoping I don’t run into anything,

“Don’t you remember me?” the man asked me, flashing another smile at me

“I’ve never seen you in my life” I said quietly

“It’s Ryan” the man said, his smile never leaving his face, my heart skipped at beat

“Dad” I said under my breath, before I could decide whether I was going to stay or not, my legs started running, I could hear the footsteps trailing not too far behind me, it reminded me of the night I first went to a house party, the night my father stabbed me, the night I got taken away from the Brooks.

‘he tripped on a branch and the next thing I knew we were on the ground, this was my chance to get away, I got up and started running, my vision was blurred from all the alcohol I had consumed, god I regretted that now, I heard loud footsteps coming from behind me, “RUN SKY RUN!” I heard Beau scream, I looked back to seem my father wasn’t far behind me but had a rather sharp knife in his hand, I started to panic but somehow managed to speed up a little, I was looking back at the angry look that plastered my dad’s face when I hit something hard, I felt an arm grab me, “let me go” I screamed, I kicked them in the place where it hurts, I tried focusing my vision and saw my dad face, pure anger was in his face, “you shouldn’t have done that” he yelled in my face, his fist connected with my cheek, it hurt, a lot, I screamed at the pain but it was soon taken away but the pain that filled the left side of my body, I saw my dad smile and evil smile, he stopped attacking me and ran off before jumping into a car with no number plates and speeding off’

A bus drove past, and I could see a few people waiting at the bus stop, it was about 200m in front of me, I must have slowed down when I saw the bus cause my dad grabbed my arm and started to drag me back the other way, “get off me!” I screamed as loud as I could kicking him in the place it hurts a man, he fell to the ground wincing in pain, pulling me down with me, I got back up as quick as I could and ran towards the bus stop, I wasn’t going to make it, I had at least 150m to go, and people where already boarding, “hold the bus!” I screamed, I looked back to see my father regaining his strength and getting up to chase after me again, “hold the bus!” I screamed getting closer, a young teenage girl stood at the door talking to the bus driver and pointing at me,

“Skyla if you get on that bus, ill repay all the grief you gave to me” I heard my dad yell, I didn’t hesitate, I just kept running, he was trailing close behind me, god I was so slow at running.

I jumped on the bus and the bus driver closed the doors behind me, my dad banged furiously against it, but the driver just told me to take a seat and drove off, leaving my father standing by himself at the bus stop. I took the first seat on the bus, closet to the bus driver, everyone stared at me curious of what had just happened, I guess I would be too if I just saw that.

"So where you going love?” the bus driver said in a deep voice, where was I going? The only place I can go at the moment

“Just to Premier Rd please” I pulled out my wallet, getting money out to pay the driver

"It’s on the house love, just sit back and relax” the driver smiled at me,




Alright, hey. so i know this chapter was a long wait, but im extremely happy that i did wait otherwise this idea never would have come to me. Bet use werent expecting this, and its just going to get better, you guys havent seen nothing yet ;)

16 votes + 14 comments

Got a good idea for the next chapter :) thank y'all for reading xxxx - Ariel

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