Pabo (Chapter 14)

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Mina's POV
13 June 2018

Day 5.

Team Leader said that our mission was to last for three days.

However, our suspects don't seem to be revealing so much about what we want to know. So, the officers are taking their time to bond with them.

Welp, I'm now feeling extremely lonely like Chae.

Chae has been recalled back and fourth to the Supreme Court as there has been a sudden spat of gang clashing incidents.

Well, since I'm just sitting around the club sipping down some cocktails in my gangster-ish look, I might as well call my girlfriend.

I slipped my phone out from my pocket and pressed on her contact name.

"... Hi, jagi!" The familiar voice answered the moment the call was connected.

"Hi, babe... Still handling cases..?" I asked.

"Of course... The many gangs involved these past five cases was all related to the Red Vel gang..." Chae answered.

I sighed. "Seriously? They are causing trouble again..?" I asked.

"What do you think? I'm getting a headache just by reading their gang name in five different thick stacks of papers..." Chae said as I heard the sound of rustling paper.

"Hasn't the police caught them..?"

"Nope... Didn't you read the news yesterday? One of the Red Vel gang members stabbed one of our officers and he was injured whilst trying to catch one of the members who was welding a knife."

"Oh my gosh... So it was Red Vel who caused that... That explains the sudden increase of armed police officers patrolling the streets..."

"Yeah... Because of our undercover operations, get ready to be stopped by a lot of police officers for questioning as they might think we are the real gangsters. You remember what to do, right?"

"Yes ma'am... Just flash my police pass and I'll be on my way. Always assist the police should they shut down a club I'm in." I said in a dull voice, bored of repeating the same sentence.

"Good! Looks like my constant reminders managed to help you remember the drill." Chae chuckled.

I rolled my eyes slightly. But then, I spotted someone.. very.. very.. familiar...

"H-hey... Chae... I'll talk to you soon. Target." I said quickly and hanged the call up.

I then stood up from my chair and walked over to the person who looked extremely familiar to me.

"Peach." I called out.

Momo then looked up at me. "Woah woah!" She exclaimed and immediately stood up to back off as she lifted her hands in defence. "I'm not looking for a fight here!"

I knew how dumb she can be from time to time from seeing how she behaves inside WeridClumsies. I might as well use her 'paboness' as a advantage.

"Relax. I ain't here to fight! I.. wanna.. make up to you..." I said.

"Seriously?" Momo asked as she looked at my outfit. "But you look so.. gangster today..."

"That's how I always dress, man!" I exclaimed and extended a hand. "From now, we are friends!" I said.

Momo hesitated for a while, like she was thinking of something in her head but she shook my hand anyways.

I then sat down together with Momo at her table and promptly ordered for another cocktail for myself.

"So... Y'all still under contact with.. Red Vel..?" I asked.

Momo tapped her chin as she looked up. "Hmmm... Should I tell you? Tofu always told me not to share information." She said as she looked back at me with squinted eyes.

"Never mind... Forget I asked... Drink first." I said as my cocktail arrived to the table.

Me and Momo clicked our glasses together and took a big sip respectively.

After a few minutes of just drinking, I noticed that Momo was starting to emit signs of a drunk.

Count myself lucky for having a high alcohol tolerance.

"So~... Care to answer my question now, pabo?" I asked with a cheeky smirk on my face.

"Yahh~!! I'm.. not a... Pabo..!!" Momo exclaimed out as she hiccuped halfway through her sentence.

"Just answer~!" I whined.

"Okay~~... You're my.. friend after all... Yeah... Me has been talking.. to.. Baechu..." Momo hiccuped again.

I smirked hard to myself. "Mhm~... What did you two talk about..?" I asked.

"WeridClumsies always fight.. together.. with.. Red Vel... We fought five other.. gangs.. recently..." Momo muttered.

Bingo! Information perfect to aid Chaeyoung!

"Did Baechu tell you that one of her members stabbed someone? Do you know where she is..?" I continued.

"Oh yes~! Baechu was the one! She.. looked.. so cool that officer..." Momo said. "I think she should.. be somewhere.. in the deep forest... I remember a little.. house inside there... It's their lair..." Momo mumbled before passing out.

I smirked. "Thank you for being a pabo, Momo."

I then was about to pull out my phone from my pockets to call Chae when all of the sudden, I spotted my target.


There the fuck you are...

I then stood up and slowly walked towards her, getting ready to jump on her from behind.

But the second before I wanted to attack, flashbangs exploded inside the club, making me see white only.

"AHHH!!!" Everyone yelled.


Once I slowly regained my sight, I saw an army of tactical troopers armed with guns storming the building.

"Sir!!" I called out to one of the officers beside me and flashed my police pass. "Officer Myoui Mina from the PID." I said.

The officer nodded his head and I stood up to walk around, making sure everyone is behaving well.

However, when I walked back to the spot where I originally was, I could not find Baechu.

Damn it.

That rat escaped.

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