Impromptu Decision (Chapter 18)

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Mina's POV
"Impromptu Decision."
18 June 2018

I was getting a little worried.

It's been two days since Chaeyoung walked out of my door to get me a new phone.

But, no news from her...

Because my phone was still gone, I couldn't even contact her. Neither did her colleagues at work could get a hold of her on her phone.

But.. there shouldn't there be a need for me to worry... She might be on undercover missions that she set for herself.

So, I shall wait for her.

I walked into the Supreme Court and strolled slowly down the hallways going pass a few courtrooms towards Chaeyoung's office.

I heard some commotion in-between the judges in one of the courtrooms so I decided to take a closer peek.

There was a few other judges all gathered around one senior judge. I was starting to get curious on why was happening.

If it was such a big incident, why isn't Chae Chae involved with it? Is she really that busy..?

I then pushed the door a little further more so I could enter the courtroom.

Once I entered, I walked over to the circle of Judges and spoke up.

"Umm... Is there something important going on around here..?" I asked, a little shyly.

"Oh!" One of the Judges exclaimed. "Aren't you Judge Chae's PA..?" The judge asked.

"Yes I am... Speaking of her, where is she..? Y'all are all gathered up like it's something really important... If so, Judge Chae should be involved with it too." I said.

"Didn't you heard..?" Another Judge spoke up.

"Heard about what..?" I asked.

"It's all over the news!!" Another Judge yelped.

"Well tell me already! Don't keep me waiting!" I asked in slight frustration.

"Judge Chae was arrested by the police on suspicion on murder!!" All of the Judges exclaimed in unison.

My blood immediately ran cold.

What..? My jagi..? A murderer..?

"Y-you.. you must.. be joking..!" I said with a nervous chuckle and smile.

One Judge shook his head. "It's pretty real..." He said and opened up his phone. He then showed me the screen which was displaying an article.. which had.. Chaeyoung's face on it...

"Police arrested Seoul's Most Honoured and Prestigious Judge on the suspicion on the murder of Park Jimin... Judge Son Chaeyoung is now under custody and awaiting trial to prove whether she is guilty or not." I read out aloud.

"Now you believe me..?" The Judge asked.

"WELL FUCK YEAH!" I yelled out loudly, scaring the other Judges. "WHAT DO I DO?! MY BABY CAN'T POSSIBLY BE A MURDERER!!!!"

All the Judges raised a single eyebrow respectively. "Your baby..?" They asked.

I blushed. I remembered that the relationship between me and Jag- I mean Judge Chae, should be kept private.

"U-umm... I think I slipped my tongue BUT THERE IS NO TIME!! CAN I GO MEET HER?!" I asked.

One Judge nodded his head and told me to head down to the Police Station to ask for permission to meet Chaeyoung.

Ironic enough, it was the Police Station I always report to for my undercover business.

I immediately thanked the Judges and rushed all the way to the Police Station to ask for a visit with Chaeyoung.

I was then led by a few officers to the interrogation room and I sat down on the chair, facing a glass wall which seperate the criminals and visitors.

I waited patiently and a few minutes later, there was my beloved girl.. in handcuffs and in a orange criminal jumpsuit.

My heart broke seeing her looking so sad. She looked extremely miserable.

"Chae Chae..." I called out.

"Minari..." Chaeyoung called back.

"What happened..?" I asked.

"Nothing!!" She exclaimed. "I visited Jimin as part of undercover intelligence... Then I came back to visit you because you were sick... But after I left, the police suddenly stopped me and arrested me... I didn't nurder anyone, Mina! I swear!" She yelped.

"I believe you, Chae. You are not a murderer." I said. "But.. what do I do..? Should I.. get a lawyer to help defend you..?

"The correct term is a 'attorney'." Chae said. "They are the ones who help defend those in trouble."

"R-right... Attorney." I said. "Do.. you have.. anyone in mind.. to help.. defend you?" I asked.

Chaeyoung thought for a while.

"N-no..." Chaeyoung muttered softly, sounding extremely sad.

"You wait here, jagi... I'll try to look for someone." I said.

"B-but.. what if you don't..? In five hours time, they are.. gonna decide whether I have a attorney or not..." She asked me with sad eyes.

"Don't think negative, my baby. I'll try help you as much as I can..." I said and blew a kiss at her.

Chaeyoung smiled lightly and puckered her lips and smacked it, catching my flying kiss.

I smiled lightly back at her and quickly set off to find attorneys to help defend Chaeyoung.


Almost 4 hours and 30 minutes passed, no luck at all.

Even with huge sums of money, no one seems to want to take the case to defend Chaeyoung because it's "complicated" or "difficult"...

I sighed heavily to myself.

Am I really going to have to submit to the fact that Chaeyoung.. my jagi.. is going to get sentenced to jail..?







I quickly rushed back to the interrogation room as fast as I can and burst in, desperately asking the guards to give me five minutes with Chaeyoung.

After a bit of arguing and bribing, I was finally allowed into the room and from the other side, came out Chaeyoung.

"Mina... Did.. you.. managed to find me an attorney..?" Chaeyoung asked.

I shook my head sadly and I saw Chaeyoung looking down, really sad.

She sniffled and finally looked at me. I saw there was tears in her eyes, threatening to drop.

"What.. am.. I going.. to.. do..?" Chaeyoung asked with the sound of sadness in her voice.

"Chaeyoung... Don't you worry..." I said and took a really deep breath. "I'll be your attorney."

"W-wh-what..?" Chaeyoung stuttered as she sniffled again. "D-did.. I.. hear you.. right..?" She asked in extreme doubt.

"I'm not joking, Chaeyoung... I'm dead serious. I. Am. Your. Attorney." I replied with a serious tone.

Chaeyoung's breath hitches as she covered her mouth in surprise with her handcuffed hands. "H-how.. are you gonna do it..?"

"Times up, Ma'am." A guard called out for me.

"I'll see how." I said and blew a kiss at her before the guard finally made me face away from Chaeyoung.


I need to get to her office so I can learn on how to defend...

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