The Pin (Chapter 17)

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Irene's POV
"The Pin."
16 June 2018


There's that fucker.. all lying on the ground.

The police can't find out that I killed this little chili pepper!!

I have to blame it on someone.

But who to pin on?



Chaeyoung's POV
"The Pin."
16 June 2018

I quickly stopped my car outside of Mina's house and quickly rushed towards her front door.

I quickly dug out my key into her home and quickly unlocked it.

When I swung the door open, I saw Mina lying on the couch looking terrible.

"Oh no..." I muttered to myself as I closed the door.

"" Mina called to me weakly with a small smile as she spreaded her arms out.

Even though she was sick, I went up close to her and hugged her. "Oh I feel so bad for you, baby girl..." I muttered as I dug my head into her neck.

"H-hey... You're.. the.. baby... I'm.. your.. mommy..." Mina muttered out with a slight chuckle.

I broke the hug and rolled my eyes playfully at her and slapped her face gently. "You're so silly even when you're sick." I chuckled slightly. "But for now, let Daddy Chae take care of you." I said with a wink.

Mina looked at me with a little smirk. "Mm... With.. that.. clothing..?" She bit her lip. "I.. can call.. you Daddy..." She winked back.

"Oh stop it, babe..." I chuckled. "Have you taken your medication?" I asked.

"Aish... I feel.. shit.. to walk.. so.. I didn't.. take.. them..." Mina answered.

"Let Daddy take it for you then." I chuckled as I walked to the kitchen to find her medication.

"Don't get.. me horny.. when.. I'm sick.. Chae..." Mina chuckled weakly back.

I giggled to myself as I looked at the kitchen counter. "Jagi! Where you put them?!" I yelled out from the kitchen as I could not find her medication. "Never mind! Found it!" I said as I found a packet of pills and took it blindly.

I then poured a glass of water and walked back to Mina who was still lying down on the couch.

"Here, babe." I said as I took a pill out from its packaging. "Say ah~..."

Mina opened her mouth but right before I put it in, she stopped me. "W-wait..!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's.. the.. wrong pill.. pabo..." Mina chuckled.

"H-huh?" I exclaimed, slightly confused as I looked at the pill. "I thought I seen you take these." I said.

Mina chuckled. "Babe... My pill.. has a small.. light.. green dot.. on the top... This one.. has dark.. green..." She said.

I looked at the tip of the pill and saw the dark green tip on top, which made me immediately facepalm myself.

"Aish! I'm such a pabo..." I said and placed the pill back into its packaging.

Mina smiled and leaned forward and pecked my cheek. "It's.. okay..."

I smiled at her and pecked her lips. I then stood up and walked back into the kitchen and found the right pills hiding behind the packet I took from originally.

I then walked back to Mina and took a pill out from the packaging. "Aish!" I sighed as I looked at the light green coloured tip. "I nearly killed you with my paboness..." I muttered.

"The.. power of.. love.. gave me strength.. to see.. the error..." Mina chuckled lightly.

I chuckled together with her and used my pointer finger to push her nose down in a cute manner. "Aigoo... Stop being so cute..." I muttered with no intention to wipe the big smile off my face.

Mina giggled. "You're.. cuter..." She said and I just rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah babe... I left.. my phone.. in the bathroom... Mind.. helping me.. get it for.. me?" She asked with her pleading eyes.

I giggled lightly and pecked her cheek. "Aish. You know I won't say no. Especially with those eyes." I chuckled and stood up.

I then walked over to the bathroom in search of her phone. Not for long, I spotted her phone with its end hanging slightly off the sink's counter table.

However, my attention was diverted to the toilet water which still had Mina's vomit.

Poor girl... She must be really sick.

So, I decided to flush the toilet and pressed on the button. My mind was extremely occupied on thinking how bad Mina must be feeling.

I then shifted a few parts of my hair as it was messed up and I lazily flung it back down.

But as I did that, my hand felt a hard item knock against something.

To my horror in those few spilt seconds, I saw Mina's phone flipping itself off from the sink's counter and headed straight for the toilet bowl which the water was still flushing.

"OH NO!" I yelled out loudly. I tired my best to grab her phone before it hit the flushing water but..

It was too late.

The phone landed into the water with a splash and all I could do was to watch the phone get consumed with water helplessly.

"" I heard Mina voice call out for me. "What's.. wrong..?"

"Ummm..." I muttered. "Hold on..." Once the water subsided, I slowly pulled her phone out of the toilet and tried to turn it on.

Fuck. It's not coming back on. WHAT AM I GONNA TELL MINA NOW?!

"M-mina..." I stuttered worriedly as I walked to her.

"Yes..? What.. happened..?" Mina asked.

"I.. I.. I'M SORRY MINA!!" I blurted out at her and immediately fell on my knees. I then grabbed her hand with mine and stared straight at her eyes. "I.. I DROPPED YOUR PHONE IN THE TOILET AND NOW.. IT CAN'T TURN ON!! I'M S- mmmm!!"

I was cut off suddenly by a pair of smashing lips on mine. "Shh... Shh..." Mina muttered. "Shut.. up..." She giggled as she continued to kiss me.

My eyes widen slightly the moment she suddenly captured my lips. But, I gave in anyways and closed my eyes, kissing her back gently.

A few seconds then passed and we both finally break away from the kiss.

"It's.. cute to see.. this.. little tiger.. all worried..." Mina giggled which made me blush a little. "Don't worry.. about it, dear... I'll get.. a new one.. soon..." She continued with a little smile formed on her lips.

"Are.. you sure..? I should be the one buying you a new phone..." I muttered as I looked away.

Mina chuckled weakly and she lifted a hand and pushed my cheek, forcing me to look at her. "It's okay... Losing.. a phone is.. nothing more.. worse.. then losing you..." Mina chuckled.

Now, my cheeks were all burning red.

"Aish... Sweet talker..." I muttered and looked at my watch. "But I still feel bad. I'm getting you that phone." I said firmly and stood up.

Mina just chuckled. "You're.. too kind, Chae.. Chae..."

"I know." I giggled lightly and walked to the front door and opened it. I blew a flying kiss at Mina and walked out into the open.

I headed for my car which was waiting outside on the sidewalk. I need to get Mina her new phone since I made it break.

But suddenly...

A hand rested on my shoulder.

"You're coming with me."


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