Chapter Five - Unspoken

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Lord wanted to be the one to heal Aimee; he didn't trust Gary to buy the things the girl needed for her small injury.

As he entered the store and walked along the aisles, he came across Gary, who was buying himself a sports drink, two large bags of Lay's and Cheetos, and a packet of Menthol Lights.

Lord smirked as he approached the counter with a basic first aid kit he had found.

"I know you too well, Gary." He mumbled under his breath.

The man smiled, shrugging off Lord's faint reproof.

"You flatter me, princess." He chuckled, as he checked out.

Lord joined him, and they strolled out. Suddenly, he stopped walking.

"Er, let me get some cookies or something."

"Beat you to the car then."

"Gary." He called out, this time, with a stern undertone.


"Don't be an asshole."

"I won't." He laughed, and ran back to the car.

* * * * *

Aimee had fallen asleep with her head hung over. She was hungry, tired, and was in a bit of pain.

The throbbing had faded somewhat though, and the trickle of blood had dried up.

Suddenly, the door to the driver's seat opened, and startled her awake.

"Have yourself a nice nap?" Gary called out with a smile.

Aimee didn't want to engage him in any form of conversation or eye contact, so she kept her mouth shut.

"Well, I'm tired myself. All this driving made me want to get some shut eye, you see. Lord's a lucky bastard."

There was a different meaning to his last words, but Aimee ignored it.

Gary leaned over his seat and stared at her.

"You know-"

"Back." Lord announced, making his way into the very back with shopping bags in his hands.

Gary threw a disapproving look his way. "We can't be too accommodating with our captive, sir."

"Shut the fuck up." He fired back. " 'Member I'm in charge here. You're the dog."

Aimee remained silent as she watched their exchange.

"The dog, huh." Anger flashed in Gary's eyes. "Whose, the Boss or yours?"

Lord didn't say anything.

Gary got in the car, and started to drive.

Aimee eyed the plastic bags. They were bulging with things. She glanced at Lord in appreciation.

He looked back at her, as his eyes silently delivered you're welcome.

His hands started to take things out of the plastic bags. Aimee observed as he placed a first aid kit in front of her and opened it.

Lord then halted his actions to undo the large rope he had tied around the passenger seat and her hands, which were still tied with a shorter rope.

After he was done, she shuffled back to her original position against the window.

Before he opened the aid kit, he gave her forehead a gander, to check where her injury was, and noticed her dried blood.

He took out some alcohol, moist towelettes, and band aids. A little less than a capful of alcohol was poured into a single towelette.

Aimee looked at it, and then at him. She shut her eyes, preparing herself for the sting it was going to elicit.

Gently, he neared her, placing a hand in the back of her head for support in case she flinched, and brought the other one up to the side of her forehead where her wound was.

She bit her lip as soon as the cloth came in contact with her wound. She jerked involuntarily against the soft dabs; her throbbing resumed much to her dismay.

He had to do this, she told herself. It hurt like a bitch, but it had to happen.

She then felt his other hand, which he used to hold her head in place, caress her hair consolingly.

After a few more dabs, he traced the cloth down to the side of her face, ridding her of the blood which had been spilled carelessly.

He felt her relax, and finally, let go of her.

She opened her orbs to meet his in gratitude.

Lord crumpled up the cloth and threw it in the aid kit.

Without a word, he looked at Gary, who had his eyes on the road, and then at her.

Subsequently, he unbound her hands which had been behind her back.

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