Chapter Six - Bare

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Shortly after a band-aid had been sealed on her wound, Aimee was given a wide pick of what Lord deemed as "breakfast food."

There were some sourdough breakfast sandwiches, muffins, protein bars, and juice cartons.

Lord watched Aimee's mouth water. Understandable enough, since she had been kidnapped right before dinner.

She looked at him, asking with her eyes if it really was okay to chow down.

He turned his head to the left, as if he didn't care one way or another.

Aimee didn't waste any more time. She grabbed a sandwich, and hastily unwrapped its contents before plunging a large portion of it into her gaping mouth.

Lord's head remained in its same position, but that didn't stop his orbs from side-glancing her with amusement and strange satisfaction.

Eventually, Aimee finished the sandwich. She dove in for a raisin muffin, and unwrapped it as well, but not as quickly.

Mere bites into the product, she stopped.

Lord immediately diverted his eyes and focused them on the road.

"Why "Lord"?" She questioned, out of the blue.

He sighed inwardly, and turned to meet her inquisitive gaze. "The hell's it to you?"

She shrugged and munched on the muffin before grabbing a juice carton and poking the indicated straw hole.

"I dunno, I just was wondering what it stood for." She mumbled.

Lord tried not to smirk. " You really want to get to know bad people, kid?"

Aimee scoffed as she took a sip of her juice. "You're not intimidating enough for a bad guy."

It was a careless comment, but Aimee enjoyed provoking people.

Lord gave her a menacing eyeful. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She smiled somewhat patronizingly. "Just what it means."

Lord was about to retort something back, when Gary suddenly decided to call out. "Next stop should be in thirty minutes max. Lord?"

He tore his orbs from hers. "Yeah, sounds about right."

" 'Kay."

Lord returned to the topic of discussion at hand, which by far had been ridiculous. The girl was pretty, but she was also quick and somewhat ... Cocky.

"Listen you-"

"Thank you."

Lord stopped dead in his tracks, and he didn't like the feeling one bit.

Aimee watched him inconspicuously fumble for an answer that he couldn't give due to his pride, so she didn't pursue it.

Instead, she smiled to herself.

After a few minutes of silence, Lord stopped staring at the air, and redirected his eyes to hers.


His voice came, lower than a whisper.

Aimee raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry?"

He clenched his teeth, irritated. "Lawrence. That's my name."

She finished her muffin and downed the contents of the carton, before throwing it into one of the plastic bags.

"Was that so hard?" She muttered without looking up.

"No." Was the thoughtful reply.

She then sat in front of him, with her back facing his direction.

Confused, he opened his mouth, but then shut it again once he saw what she meant; her hands were crossed over each other prepared to be tied.

Lord knew the feeling all too well that had now, at this point in time, started to govern his heart bit by bit - guilt.

Reluctantly, he grabbed the small rope which he had previously freed her wrists from so that she could eat, and proceeded to once again, tie them.

He noticed that the tight bind had marked those wrists of hers, leaving behind a stinging red. Slowly, gently, he tied them, but made sure that they were not as tight.

Aimee looked over her shoulder to see him, eyes down, focused on bringing less pain to her wrists as much as possible with the tying of the rope.

Just as he lifted his eyes, she turned hers to the window.

Feeling his hands finish the task, she crawled across, next to the window, and sat by it.

From the corner of her peripheral, she could see the ghost of a smile on his handsome face.

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