Chapter Seventeen - Essence

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After many turns, Lord and Aimee had finally arrived at a white and beige mansion guarded by a black security gate.

The mansion was two stories high, with balconies jutting out of nearly every window; there were two tall light beige columns standing proudly on either side of it, and a beautiful sprawled white rose garden with angel statues.

Aimee was impressed, while Lord sighed inwardly. This was a place he didn't want to return to.

At the black gates, stood a "guard" dressed in a formal black suit. Through the window, Lord spoke with him in low tones, prefacing the situation he was in briefly.

The guard conceded to Lord's entry.

* * * * *

Aimee was ordered to wait on the maroon leather couch outside of a two tall oak doors, while Lord went inside to speak to the Boss.

She fidgeted a little, and decided to eavesdrop.

A little wouldn't hurt, was what she figured.

As she leaned in towards the doors, she flinched upon hearing a slam, followed by loud, thundering voice.

On the other side of the door, was Lord. He stood in front of a big oak desk. Behind it sat a heavy set man in his fifties with graying short brown hair, angry brown eyes, olive skin, thick eyebrows, and a small mouth.

He was in another one of "those posh gray suits" as Lord typically referred to them. 

The kidnapper waited patiently without flinching for his Boss' anger to subside.

"After everything I've done....!" He stated frustratedly with a thick Italian accent.

"Sir, please. You've always known I was never cut out for this."

Unbecknownst to Lord, Aimee had opened the door a bit to peek inside.

For some reason, it soothed her to hear him speak in a low, calming tone.

"I know my dad would have thanked you for taking me in. I thank you as well, but-"

"I know, Lawrence, I know. I've always known your place isn't here."

There was silence after that. Aimee imagined that Lord had his head down, with a secret smile on his face.

One that indicated that everything would work out okay.

"What about the girl, sir?"

Again, silence.

Her eyes darted to Lord, then at the old man.

Waiting time for them to both speak again was taking almost five minutes.


"As a favor to you, I'll leave her family be. I was in a tight spot, and I had to think fast. Everything is resolved. Gary almost fucked us over hard."

Judging from the Boss' hard tone when Gary was brought up, Aimee could only imagine torture or death.

He deserved it.

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