{#24} [F] - important tips and tricks.

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8th September 2018.

To everyone, they think they can make a cover. At least the simple one. Although you found an amazing picture but bad fonts or word placements made it seem weird. Here are some tips from me you can try about fonts!

1. Nothing is too small nor big for the cover.

Firstly, I hate it when I see covers with oversize or a super tiny title. Tell me, which one is the best of them all?

 Tell me, which one is the best of them all?

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I mean, the small one looks okay, but I'm sure your eyes will burst out if you look at it from far away

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I mean, the small one looks okay, but I'm sure your eyes will burst out if you look at it from far away.

2. Spacing matters.

I like to make wide spaces for author names because it looks more satisfying. Not all titles deserve spacing, but you can think about it while you make your cover.

 Not all titles deserve spacing, but you can think about it while you make your cover

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3. Opacity is also important.

Opacity has always been my best friend is graphics. If you make the fonts super white or pitch black, the cover might look too bright or too dark.

 If you make the fonts super white or pitch black, the cover might look too bright or too dark

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4. Mix and match fonts.

Don't just go with one type of font, expand your creativity and use various. But, too much font combination might also make it terrible. 2 - 3 font combinations are enough.

 2 - 3 font combinations are enough

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5. Never choose a color that a color blind person can't recognize.

Color blind people can't differentiate red and green, so never pick a green colored font on a red background. Even non - color blind people might get blind because of that. If there are no alternative colors, just go with old - fashioned black and white.

 If there are no alternative colors, just go with old - fashioned black and white

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- Ellagance

Dexterity ; A Graphic TutorWhere stories live. Discover now