Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Daya woke up around eleven thirty a.m. because she was a bit nervous about her interview. She got up from bed, brushed her teeth then went to the kitchen and made vegetable mix, sausages, shrimps and minced beef stir-fry that she ate with some scrambled eggs. She loved to make that on days she had time and she called it the Daya breakfast when explaining it to Butch. At twelve thirty, she took a thirty minutes shower which consisted of mini concerts and a few cuts from shaving her armpits. She got out of the shower at one, oiled her skin, got into her pyjamas then facetimed Butch knowing she would wake him up but, she didn't care. Butch picked up the phone and complained for about five minutes about how tired he was before they started their conversation. As she got dressed in front of her mirror away from the laptop, she told him how nervous she was and how she hopes she gets the job, she then showed him her outfit and he laughed for a bit before telling her it was terrible but perfect for the interview. She took the backhanded compliment and began her light nude makeup then packed her hair in a sleek ponytail which was very hard to do. She told Butch how the call made her relaxed then ended it without listening to his goodbye comments. She then checked her phone for the address which was sent at eleven a.m. that morning and headed for the subway because the address was almost thirty minutes away according to google.

She expected to get there at least thirty minutes before as she left at two o clock but took a wrong train and got there about ten minutes late. Tammy, a slender attractive probably middle-aged woman as Daya assumed, with beautiful big blue eyes, a slightly plum lip and a nose that sat at the middle of her face proportional to the other facial features, welcomed her in with a big gorgeous smile. She instructed her to sit down on a beautiful couch that looked like It was imported from a palace somewhere in Europe, the living room had very beautiful décor that looked vintage yet modern. Daya felt very wealthy seating there and she began to day dream before she was awoken by a peaceful yet firm voice telling her it was time for the interview. Tammy began by asking her why she was late like a boss about to fire a late employee, Daya calmly explained herself and Tammy nodded looking almost pleased. She then asked her if she had ever been arrested, if she considered herself greedy, if she was lazy and why she currently wasn't working. Daya answered no without explanation to all the questions except the last one which she answered saying she wasn't currently working because she just quit her last job because she was underpaid and mistreated. Tammy didn't ask any further questions and Daya could tell she was almost uninterested. Tammy then said "hello, I am Tammy Dexter and I am hiring you not because you are the most qualified but because I am tired of conducting interviews and I have a very important business trip planned tomorrow. You start tomorrow from eleven a.m. till four p.m., five days a week and you would be provided lunch at twelve thirty p.m. A job description would be sent to your email and please read it, come in your casual clothes and a uniform would be provided for you as you arrive, and it should be left behind when you leave. Any questions?". Daya had none because she was shocked, Tammy noticed then said "well if you do end up having any questions, just send me an email. Goodbye". As Daya was about to leave the door Tammy stopped her saying "oh sorry I forgot to say, I would have left by the time you get here so you should tell my brother, who is your boss, who you are. This is his house by the way, I am just helping him get a maid. Goodbye Daya and good luck" .

As soon as Daya got home, she called Butch excitedly telling him how easy it was, he then invited her for a congratulatory dinner on him which she accepted. He told her to get dressed that they were going somewhere fancy and she should prepare to tell him the details. Daya dressed in a V-neck black figure hugging dress with sequences at the front, it was simply, classy and fancy. She washed her hair early today, so she still had curls which she put up in a neat sleek bun, letting a few strands out in front. Daya allowed Butch to pick her up because the restaurant was too far to walk, and she wasn't feeling the subway.

Butch texted her to come out and she got in the car. He told her she looked nice for once and she accepted the backhanded compliment without an argument because she knew it was true, but she had to comment on the plain yet surprisingly stylish outfit he wore, he wore a red velvet blazer on black jeans with a black shirt and black Vans. They got to the restaurant which was very fancy as expected and Daya hadn't eaten anything on the menu before, so she allowed Butch pick her food. She enjoyed her food and told him that before she began to narrate her day. The waiter asked if they were celebrating their anniversary and Butch said yes, they laughed as the waiter left.

Butch thought to himself that Daya did look very beautiful, he shrugged the thought off by thinking she wasn't his type and they were amazing friends. They had an amazing dinner and Butch invited her over to play video games, she accepted as it was just ten p.m. and she knew she wouldn't sleep even if she went home. She beat him about two times in video games then they played cards while they talked about random topics, she beat him again at cards before they watched some random movie they both weren't paying attention to because they were having multiple playful arguments. At twelve a.m., Butch drove her home, they hugged, and she thanked him for a cool night. She went in, washed her face, wore her nightwear, set her alarm for nine a.m. then went straight to bed because she had had a long day.

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