Chapter six

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Chapter 6

As expected she spoke to Butch less and less as the days went by, Butch and Ariana took a trip paid by Butch to Jamaica and didn't use their phones for two weeks, so she had no contact with him at all. This made her upset, but she never told him because she didn't want to seem jealous, the only thing that made her happy was that Fred was still not back from his trip, so work was easy, plus she was becoming good friends with her co-workers and actually liked them. One thing that made her less upset with Butch was that anytime he did call her, he was genuinely happy to hear from her and obviously missed her a lot.

When Butch came back from his trip he came to see her, but it was brief because he was to see Ariana that day, he noticed she wasn't happy but didn't comment on it because he felt guilty and knew he was the cause. It had been three months since she got her new job and she had made a good amount of money and actually enjoyed her job. She got ready for work that day as she thought about how she speaks to Butch twice a week and all he talks about is Ariana. She got to work that day and Mara told her that Fred was back and as expected was in one of his moods, she decided to start cleaning the living rooms then after lunch, clean Fred's room. She knocked on his door after lunch and no one answered so she assumed he wasn't home and walked in,

"who the fuck is that... oh wait let me guess it is Dora" Fred said

"actually, it is Daya and I am sorry, I walked in because no one answered the door, so I assumed you weren't home" she replied

"well Dora as you can clearly see I am here so get out, so stop assuming shit and come back in an hour, plus if I was you and no one answered, I would think they wanted me to leave." he said while still facing his pillow.

She left without saying a word, she was already emotional about Butch and this was the last thing she needed, she cleaned one living room then went back to knock on his door in an hour. She knocked for about five minutes before Fred finally said, "I see you don't give up, come in Dora", she came in and said "it's Daya" then walked to the bathroom to clean it. She came out and saw clothes everywhere on the floor, she proceeded to bend to pick them up and thought to herself that Fred was an attractive man, he had black neck length hair that looked messy because he had just woken up, a neatly trimmed beard, medium sized hooded dark brown eyes, medium sized lips, a medium sized almost pointed nose and tanned skin. He looked like he was a mixture of white and Hispanic, and like he wasn't sure how attractive he was but had been told a million times. She was sent back to reality by Fred saying "ha-ha A fat maid, how cliché or actually how not...can't say I have seen much", Daya has always been battling with body insecurities and his statement hit her hard, she got angry then said "ha-ha a rude boss, which book have I not seen that in", "Excuse me, what did you say Dora?" he said rudely. "Mr Flintstone, how may I help you?" she asked sarcastically, this made him visibly upset and Daya suspected it was because no one had challenged his authority before, "well Dora you can help me by getting the fuck out of my house" he said angrily. Daya was devasted but didn't want to show it, she needed this job but wasn't willing to beg so she said proudly "sure Flintstone because I see you don't deserve my respect anymore and for the fucking last time it is Daya" and walked out slamming the door so hard, the house almost quaked. She got out and her co-workers asked what was wrong and she simply said "I have been fired, please keep in touch" got into the changing room, changed then walked out.

On the train home, she called Butch repeatedly to tell him what happened, but he didn't answer. She got home and threw her phone to the ground and cried for about thirty minutes, it wasn't only about being fired but also Butch and all her bottled-up emotions about everything in her life. She stood up and washed her face which looked so sore then picked up her phone, Butch had called at least ten times and texted her that he was worried and was coming over, he came over and saw her sad and she simply told him she had been fired. He offered to take her to get spaghetti at their favourite restaurant, she agreed only because she missed him and needed a breather. They got there and ate almost silently, Butch said to break the silence " I am terribly sorry Daya", she looked up at him away from the food she was playing with then said softly and chokingly "it is cool", "no it isn't, I neglected you and I know you would never do that to me" he responded, she began to cry softly and said angrily "actually it isn't ok, my life has gone from boring to complete trash this past three months and I hope you and Ariana are very happy in paradise". He looked down at his food and said nothing more in guilt. They left the restaurant shortly after and when Daya got home she realized she had lost her keys and the landlord wouldn't be home till the next day so Butch asked her to stay over at his place and she grudgingly agreed because she didn't have a choice.

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