Chapter Twelve

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(above is my life in one photo)

hello sisters.

this book hit 300 reads and i just noticed ;-;

why is anyone reading this its so bad lmfao

anyways, thank you for the reads and votes, they really get me inspired to write more.

here you go~

You lay on your bed staring at the ceiling. You hadn't left your flat in days. Emma was getting worried. She constantly asked you to go see a movie, or film a video, or even just go grocery shopping. You always just sighed and said "Maybe tomorrow?", or "I have videos pre-filmed.", or even the infamous "I'm feeling sick."

The truth was, you didn't want to see Dan or Phil. Leaving your flat meant that there was a slight chance of running into them. A slight chance of having to face Dan again.

After the coffee shop incident, you went on a date with Jordan. It was petty, and you couldn't even stay focused during the date. He was nice, but he just wasn't right.

He wasn't Dan.

After the date, you decided you had to make things right with Dan. Explain everything.

So that's what you did. Or, tried to do. You approached Dan and Phil's flat and knocked on the door.

Phil answered the door. "Oh... Uh, hi (Y/n)."

"Hey, Phil. Is Dan home?" You asked, looking over his shoulder curiously.

"No, he's actually on a, erm... On a date..." Phil suddenly became very interested in the floor.

(on a scale of one to ten how mad are you at dan rn)
(jk i could never stay mad at my husband lmao)


"(Y/n), let me explain-"

"You don't need to explain, Phil, I completely understand." You snapped before going back into your flat and slamming the door. You went into your room, locked the door, and lay on your bed. You've barely even left your room since then.

You were heartbroken.

*Dan's POV*
I don't know what I was thinking. I went on a date with some random girl, as some sort of petty revenge on (Y/n). I ended up hurting myself more.

On the date, the girl, Stacy, talked about nothing but herself. She asked me questions so that she could tell me her answer.

flashback thingy

"So, what are your hobbies?" Stacy asked, barely hiding the fact that she didn't care about my answer.

"I play video games a lot, and I also play piano-"

"How interesting. I'm classically trained in five instruments. Flute, violin, clarinet..."

I stopped listening. Everything about her was wrong. The excessive amounts of makeup, the colorful clothing, the narcissism. She's not right for me. She's not (Y/n).

back to reality (oh, there goes gravity)

(high five if you get it)

(Y/n) probably went on a date with that guy from the coffee shop, and had a great time. She's probably forgotten all about me. If she even had feelings for me in the first place.

I can barely describe this feeling of being shattered, the complete despair and anguish of the loss of a person I never knew I needed.

In fact, I can only think of one word to explain it.


oh snap the title was important all along.

i've had this planned since the beginning, and i'm really excited to see what you think.

if you enjoyed this chapter, please consider leaving a vote or a comment, they mean so much to me :)

bye my beautiful babes!

-Kayla xx

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