Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My bags were packed and I was sitting in the back of a taxi on my way to Dennison, Illinois for my twenty fourth foster home. All my foster homes hated me so much they were happy to get rid of me.

I sighed as I saw the sign 'Welcome to Illinois' I have no idea what foster home I'm going to but heck it will be a first time if I stay more than 2 weeks.

Everyone hated me I am a 17 year old girl (my birthday was yesterday), with naturally wavy brown hair, and gray eyes, I'm 5'5", dress in jeans and tee shirts and converses, have no friends, love to draw, and most importantly have never been loved. So I personally don't see anything to hate about me except my attitude I am revolted by fakes and absolutely love to start fights so that happens almost 3 times a week at school because I have no one to fight at home.

We arrived at a 2 story, stone house I have to admit it was beautiful but I didn't know if this was an all girl or all boy house. A woman around 30-35 years old, dark brown hair, green eyes, and 4'10" came outside and smiled at me.

It didn't take long for her to make it down the driveway to me and help me with my 3 small bags. "hi my name is Tessa you must be Marie" she said excitedly "yep that's me" I whispered turning my gaze to the ground "come on darling let's go inside and introduce you to my boys" I flinched at the word boys. I have never lived with boys before just please let them be nice.

We walked into the house the walls were wood it gave that cozy cabin feel to the large house. She but my bags down next to the door so I did the same and walked into the living room "BOYS COME DOWN THIS INSTANT" she shouted and I giggled as I heard some shuffling and strings of curses and then came the heavy footsteps down the stair case.

In my head I counted 6 boys come down the stair case and stand in front of us and in unison "yes mom" I giggled again about their behavior then Tessa turned to me "introduction time" she squealed

"This is Tim and he is 21" he had brown hair, brown eyes, and about 5'7" "this is Wesley he is 20" he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and 5'7" "this is Cody and Tyler they are twins and they're 18" they both had dirty blonde hair and green eyes like their mother, and 5'8" "these boys here are lance and Ben they're also twins they are both 16, Lance doesn't like to talk a lot and it's very rare to hear him speak" they had blonde hair and blue eyes, and about 5'7" "boys where's Jake?" she asked them all of their smiles faded and turned to nervousness.

Tim stepped up and whispered something to his mom "I'll go talk to him" she turned to me "I'll be right back" she smiled and jogged up the stairs leaving me alone and surrounded by 6 boys "so what's your name?" Tim asked "my name is Marie" I said sheepishly "how old are you?" Ben questioned "well I turned 17 yesterday" Ben was the only one smiling at me "well isn't that a coincidence my brother Jake just turned 17 yesterday to"

I mumbled "oh" and then heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Marie I want you to meet Jake he is 17" I looked him in the eyes and let out a small almost silent gasp. He had the same colored eyes as me and hair too. He had gray eyes, black hair, muscular build, and about 5'9" and for some reason I was drawn to him.

I walked over to him and shook his hand with this action I felt electricity between us so I let go and took a few steps back and looked down at the floor letting my long hair shield me from his gaze on my face. "Jake get this, you and Marie have the same birthday" then I felt is gaze on me again "how old are you?" his deep but attractive voice asked "17" I whispered but still didn't look up.

"May I see your face one more time?" he asked and I lifted my head up to face him. My waist long hair fell around my neck and naturally flowed down my normal sized chest and flat stomach. One thing that is different about my skin tone it is pale and stays that way and I love it. He took a sharp intake of breath and slowly came from off the stairs.

Once my eyes met his a small smile crept onto my lips. What I didn't expect was for him to dart out the back door like no tomorrow. My smile fell and my heart ached "he doesn't like me" I whispered barely audible " Tim go get your brother he will be punished for his behavior towards Marie" Tessa spoke with urgency "don't worry about it i've been used to it for my whole life" I said while looking down "oh you poor dear I had no such knowledge"

I nodded "all of my foster homes hated me and were more than happy to give me up" I looked up and everyone was staring at me "how many foster homes have you been to?" I thought about them all "23, my first one lasted the first 2 years of my life, my second one lasted 2 years, my third lasted 3 years, 4-10 last a year total, 5 and 6 lasted 2 years each, then 7-11 lasted 8 months, while 12-15 lasted 2 years total, 16-20 lasted 2 months each, 21and 22 lasted 5 months and two and half weeks and right before my birthday to"

I continued " and I have never met my parents in my life except for when I was born that's when they gave me up" I saw sorrow and pity for me in their eyes and Tim said "ill go talk to Jake right now" Tessa nodded and we stood there hugging each other.

~~~~Jake's POV~~~~

She's my mate I could smell her intoxicating strawberry scent and the electricity only added to my evidence when I first saw her she had my color eyes, waist length black hair, pale skin, pink full lips she was beautiful. After I had asked to see her face one more time her head rose up letting her curtain of black hair reveal her face. Her hair fell around her neck and waved down her perfect chest and flat stomach down to those hips that I want to rest my hands on I took a sharp in take of a breath and moved off the stairs.

Without a second glance I darted out the door. When her eyes met mine once more her lips curved into a smile and I was having a hard time being at a distance with my mate I couldn't take it anymore I had to get out before I do something I regret. I was in the forest and climbed up a tree to sit and relax so much for that 3 minutes later I heard running footsteps until they stopped where they could see me. It was Tim. "you idiot" he screamed at me and I jumped down while calmly asking "what did I do to make you call me an idiot" he glared at me I swear if looks could kill I would be 6 feet under.

"Dude you hurt her you made her think you don't like her" I bowed my head "I'll just tell her i'm sorry for running off like that and she'll forgive me" I began to walk but Tim's arm shot out stopping me and he sighed " no a simple sorry won't fix that in the least bit not after what she's been through" what does he mean "what do you mean what she's been through?" he sighed once more and told me what she told everyone how she never knew her parents, how she's been to 23 foster homes, how she tried to stop Tim from coming and getting me, How she said she's used to people hating her but see how can someone hate a girl as beautiful as her?

When we got back home I found out she had the room right next to mine and she was unpacking right now so I decided to go up there and talk to her. I knocked twice and she opened the door but her face was expressionless "what?" she said I began to get nervous " wanted to apologize for running off like that and making you think I hate you because I honestly don't" she half smiled at me I really wanted to tell her that i'm in love with her but I can't at least not yet.

"hey do you need any help unpacking?" she nodded "sure but there isn't much to unpack" I was unpacking her iPod, laptop, etc. while she was unpacking her clothes but I noticed not one dress nor heel anywhere "I take it you don't wear dresses and heels or makeup" she nodded while mumbling hum she was standing on her tip toes while trying to put a box on the very top shelf but lost her balance and before she could fall I just had to super speed to catch her. " how..." I looked at her realizing she saw me use my super speed to catch her so I sat her down on the bed and took her small soft hand in my big one.

"Marie there is something I must tell you can you promise not to freak out" she nodded "I'll try my best but no guarantees" I nodded my head knowing she'll try "Marie I'm a........"


Hello my dearest readers I decided to tell you guys what he and his whole family are in chapter 2

so have fun.



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