Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Whoa, whoa, whoa wait, sister? "Sister?" I looked between the two of them and saw nothing no way they could be sisters. Marie sighed "Jake this is Caroline, one of the children of my 5th foster home" oh that made since. Caroline struck out her hand for a hand shake and before I could touch her hand I was moved all the way across the yard with a possessive, and very pissed off Marie standing in front of me hissing with her eyes glowing a deep red, like the thick, warm, sweet, delicious, blood of a human.

"Calm down love, it's alright" her reply oddly made since "no Jake it's not alright she had cast a spell so that I would lose you if you shook her hand" her voice was strangely calm, but her posture was a different story. She stood in the stance like a warrior but held her head and carried herself like a princess. It hit me like a ton of bricks she is the nonexistent (well they died off in 1347) warrior of the royals, but also held royal blood in her veins.

"Calm my love, calm, let's go check on Quinton" I whispered into her ear and wrapped my arms around her waist and she sighed happy and content. "Under one condition" she said leaning into my touch closing her eyes "what is it?" I questioned "the witch stays out of my head, plus everyone else's and she doesn't touch our baby and no magic or spells allowed" I nodded, it seemed fair and reasonable and I knew the little witch would have trouble keeping it to herself so that's why the house prevents it. 15 years ago when there was a witch named Victoria and she was a good friend of my parents and they had her cast a spell upon the house so that if a witch were to enter they couldn't use magic. I smile as my breath hit Marie's ear causing her to shiver.

I slowly guided her to the house as I was trying to keep her calm. I need to get her to hunt but right now her temper was more important. I took Marie to the living room and as soon as she saw Quinton she race over to him like it was nothing. She picked him up and I went over there to so I could help out.

Everyone looked towards the door frame and hissed. "Witch" my father said "what are you doing here? Don't you know that your kind are not allowed here anymore?" he continued "I'm sorry my name is Caroline, I had no idea that my kind were not allowed here, I only came to see my sister" Marie looked pissed once again and turned with Quinton in her arms and hissed "I'M NOT YOUR SISTER!" Caroline just shook her head and Marie told me "hold Quinton and don't let her touch or hurt our baby" Caroline looked genially shocked.

"Y-you had a baby? With him?" she stuttered and pointed at me.


I swear if Caroline doesn't leave right now I WILL hang her by her intestines on a pole. "Y-you had a baby? With him?" she stuttered while pointing at Jake "yes, is there a problem? Because last time I checked, having a baby with your mate is allowed" I raised my eyebrow, challenging her to say something that is really none of her business.

"Yes there is actually, your only 16 and you had a baby" I shook my head at her "actually I'm a few months before 18 so I'm technically 17" I smirked. "No that's impossible" I interrupted her "no it's not it's something called facts, have ever heard the word before?" I could continue to do this all day it's in my nature "how are you a vampire Marie? Are you bitten?" she gasped "nope I'm a vampire by blood and heart so leave me alone bitch" her features darkened and she tried to do magic when I said "oh look at the time, it's about time to put the dog outside" my features darkened as I stalked towards her. 'It's about time she dies, Lance I know your reading my thoughts and don't try to stop me.' He coughed slightly and whispered "yes ma'am"


I was reading her thoughts and with her words held high authority but why did I listen? She was going to kill Caroline. That's when I felt it, the power. "Hey, do you guys feel that?" I asked and everyone nodded while Jake looked like he was scared and sick at the same time. "Where is it coming from?" I asked. It wasn't Caroline but rather it seemed Marie was the source and power was only held by.... oh my fucking god that means she's...... shit.

"Jake get her calm or you know what she's going to do" he nodded and handed my mother the baby while rushing to calm his furious mate. She is royal and she doesn't even know it, but how? The royals died off in 1347 and no royal was left alive by hunters, this is very hard to comprehend and I still can't believe it, but there stood my brothers mate with royal blood running through her veins, she was the last royal in flesh and blood, this has to remain a secret. 

 There is no telling what kind of gifts she produces when she is mad and by the looks of things she is very strong. Jake wasn't even near her yet and she already had Caroline pinned to the ground while the girl screamed in terror as she saw that it was Marie controlling everything. "What is Marie doing?" I asked everyone and my dad answered "it looks like Marie is taking Caroline's powers and if she can do that then she is a very strong royal" He didn't even take his eyes off the scene in front of us. The screaming continued until all we heard was silence Marie sighed "finished" she turned towards us "I will be back in a little bit" with that she heaved Caroline's still alive body over her small frame and left the house.


All I could do was stand there and watch her retreating body disappear through the door. My mind was still trying to comprehend what just happened. 'There is nothing that you can't get your mind around' her voice rung through my head. 'All I did was extract her powers and wiped her memory and then took her home, she's harmless now, but I don't understand how she's a witch because she was never suppose to be one' all of this information is strange and it doesn't fit at all. I guess I was so deep in thought about the information Marie had given me and my mind and stomach bothering me, ever since my mother had mentioned a hunt I had been so egear to because I hadn't been hunting in a couple of months, that I didn't realize that she was back and wore wicked smile to go along with her still blood red eyes.

"Now let's go for that hunt, i'm starving and I know you haven't been eating, so, let's go" and that was it. The beginning of her newly born vampire life, even if her vampire was awakened months ago, the vampires life doesn't start until their first hunt, and I was going to help my baby through this. 

This was the beginning to us.



Do you guys hate me yet? Okay, please don't. I know you guys are waiting for the wedding but that won't happen until after this next chapter. Now that, that's taken care of, I do warn you that updates will be slow do to my exams, my phone literally died, and I have been busy with not everyday access to the laptop, so i'm sorry in advace for the delay. 

I love you all.

Bye, Bye for now readers and until next time this is Cadence1413 signing off.

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