Chapter 1

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"Good morning Cali, there is breakfast in the dinning room." the assistant Annie says.

"Thanks. Um.. How long is it now since I came here?" I ask.

"Almost two months I think," she smiles. "Why?"

"Then it's two months since my mom died." I say and look down at the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." I say and she gives me a little smile. She stands in front of me for a little moment and then she leaves the room.

I look around the room and at the other kids' beds. There is only one teenager if you don't count me in, but I don't really know. I walk over to my drawer and find some clothes and find my way to the bathroom. I hurry in the shower. The water is warm today, yesterday it was cold. I took long time to wash my hair. When I'm done in the shower I dry my body and hair. I take my clothes on which is a gray tank top and a black pair of jeans. When my hair is all dry I curl it a little. I find one of my old mascara in the drawer and put it on.

I walk into the dinning room, where most of the kids already are and eat, and finds a place to sit. I sit down next to Jasper. Jasper is seven years old and is the only person of the small kids I like to spend time with. We have a lot in comment, like, we both have lost our mom and we both don't know our dad. Jasper is a nice boy. He is actually tall of his age.

"Morning." he smiles.

"Morning Jasper." I smile back.

"Have you slept well?" he ask and take some of his breakfast food into his mouth.

"Yeah, it was fine. How 'bout you?" I ask him and pour some milk up in cup and take a sip.

"It was okay." he tells me but I can see he was lying. He probably had another nightmare about his mother. He has them so often but he always talk to me about them. I am just about to say to him that he always can come to me if there is anything but then Louise - one of the headmistress - clap her hands, which means that we shall be quiet because they are going to announce something.

"Good morning everyone," she says and everyone says good morning to her. "So today is a big day. Today there will be a family coming to visit. They are going to talk to some of you and get to know you. Maybe even adopt one of you if they like you." she tells us and everyone is cheering and clapping.

"So please behave." Camille - also one of the headmistress - say and we all nod.

"So if you all will finish your breakfast and go to your rooms and clean up and make your beds, that would be good." Louise say and we all promise that we would.

"I can't believe that one of us maybe is going to be adopted." Jasper says to me.

"Me neither, but don't get you hopes too high. We are a lot of kids and they are probably going to want a baby." I tell him.

"Yes but I still hope that it is going to be one of us. I don't like being here. I have been here for almost two years now and every time a family comes to adopt some one it is always they other kids." he says.

"Yeah, I know." I say a hug him.

We eat our breakfast and walk back to our rooms. We don't live in the same room since girls have their own hall with rooms and boys have theirs. In my room there are five other girls from the age of five to ten, but I don't talk to them. I don't even know all the names. I know that the youngest of them is Sofia, but that is the only name I know. The other girls I share room with is already cleaning around their beds and making sure it look nice. I don't really have to do anything other than make my bed, because I always have cleaned floor around my bed.

When our room is all cleaned Sofia walk down to the office to get Louise or one of the others. She's away for almost five minutes and comes back with Louise. Louise doesn't say anything when she sees us, she just smiles at us and makes sure that everything is perfect and beautiful. Then she nods which means that our room is fine and cleaned good. That makes all the girls happy because they don't wanna start over and do it all again.

"What now?" I ask. This is the first time that a family is coming since I got here.

"Now you just sit on you all just sit on you bed or go to the living room." she say.

"Okay." I say and she leaves the room.

"What are you guys going to do? I mean, are you going down to the living room to play or are you staying here?" I ask the other girls.

"I think we will go down and play with the toys in the living room." one of the older girls say.

"Ohh, okay." I say. I think, I will go down to the living room, too. I walk out in the hall and over to the stairs and down to the living room. The first I see when I inter the living room is all these kids. It looks like all the kids in this orphanage is in this room. I find a chair and lift it over to the window and I sit down. I look down and my fingers and then out of the window.


I have been sitting in this chair for now 45 minutes. I hear the door to the living room open and I look over and see Louise, Camille and a family inters the room. The man from the family looks very familiar, I think I have seen him before but I don't know where. Camille claps her hand and everyone is quiet and paying their attention to her and the family.

"Everyone, this is the family we told you about. Danneel and Jensen Ackles," Camille say. "Is there anything you guy wanna ask them?" she say and some of the kids lift their hands. Camille nod to the kid who can ask a question.

"Do you guys have any kids or is that the reason that you wanna adopt?" a boy named Cameron ask.

"Um. We actually have a little girl named Justice and she is one year old." Danneel answers with a smile.

"The why do you wanna adopt if you already have a baby?" Jasper ask.

"We have always wanted to adopt to help the kids with no family get a family." Jensen say.

"Anyone else with a question?" Camille ask and I lift my hand. "Cali." she say and everyone's eyes are on me.

"What do you guys work as?" I ask. I can't get over that I have seen this man before but still don't know where.

"We are both actors, maybe you have seen one of us in something." Jensen says.

"I actually think I have seen you in something, but I'm not sure. You just look so familiar. Can you name anything you have been in?" I ask him.

"I have been in the tv show 'Days Of Our Lives' if that ring a bell." he says.

"No it's not that, I have seen you in something new." I tell him.

"Ohh, maybe Supernatural where I play one of the main characters named Dean Winchester that are traveling all states of United State with his brother Sam." he say.

"Yes. That is where I have seen you." I say and he smiles.

"Okay. We don't have much time actually. We just want to talk to some of the kids and then we will have to go pick up JJ." Danneel say to Jensen and he nods.

"Okay, how old is the kids you are looking for and is it girls or boys?" Louise ask.

"Five and under I think. And it doesn't matter if it is a boy or a girl. Right?" Danneel say and look up at Jensen.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter." he say.

"Okay, if you will come with me, I will show you some sweet kids." Louise say and they follow her. When we can't see them anymore - because they are in another room - Jasper runs over to me. His eyes are a little watery, maybe he had cried.

"Se I told you. They only want the younger kids." he says and sits down on the floor in front of me. So that is why he has tears in his eyes. Because they didn't choose him.

"I'm sorry, maybe next time." I say and hug him.

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