Graduation ~ Bughead

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Betty's POV

Today is the day everyone is looking forward to: Graduation! I'm really excited. Archie and I are going to do a speech. I'm quit nervous for that. I went dress shopping with Veronica so I have the perfect cute pink dress. I'm excited to go to college. The only thing I'm afraid of is my relationship with Jug. I love him so much. I'm going to study in California and he's going to study at NYU. So we won't get to see each other much. Only on the holidays. I'm going to miss him so much and I don't want our relationship to just stop after high school. Jug makes me feel safe and loved.

Jughead's POV

I'm getting ready for graduation. I'm wearing a suit. I actually just wanted to come in my S t-shirt but Betty wanted me to go in a suit so I did what she asked me. I have a big surprise for her after graduation. I hope she likes it. 'What if she wants to break up with me? What if I was just for some high school fun?' I think to myself. 'No Betty would never do that!' "Are you ready, Jughead?" my dad asks from the living room. "Coming"

The ceremony just started. "I'm going to the stage." Betty tells me while leaving her seat. "Good luck up there! I love you" I say while pecking her lips. "Thanks. I love you to!" she says walking away.

I'm so proud of her. She gives an amazing speech with Archie. After the speech all the students get called to the stage and we are getting our diploma's. Principle Watherbea starts "Archibald Andrews" Archie gets his diploma. "Veronica Lodge" "Chuck Clayton" "Ethel Muggs" "Josie McCoy" "Cheryl Blossom" "Toni Topaz" after another 100 names Betty and I are the last one's. "Jughead Jones" I go get my diploma. I hear my dad, Archie, Veronica and mostly Betty cheer. "And last and best Betty Cooper!" Betty walkes up the stage and everyone starts to cheer. I yell: "BETTY, BETTY, BETTY" And Archie and Veronica do to. Betty walks of the stage and I give her a big hug. "We made it" I wisper into her ear. "I love you so much" she says giving me a passionate kiss. This is the best kiss ever. It's a soft loving kiss. As we pull apart we rest our foreheads together. "And I love you" I say staring into her beautiful green eyes. 

Betty's POV

After everyone hugged and we went to our parents we all had a party at Cheryl's house. Everyone was drinking and dancing. Even Jug was dancing and that's a miracle. I could get him so far that he would drink something but that's okay. A slow song comes on and Jug and I start to dance slow. "I have a surprise for you" he says while staring into my eyes. "What?" I ask surprised. What if he's going to break up with me. No he wouldn't say he had a surprise. But what else could he possibly do? Why isn't he answering? "Jug?" "Oh yeah. Sorry I got lost in your eyes." I blush while looking down. "You know that I'm going to NYU right?" "Yeah..." I say with a sad face. "Well, I sort of changed my mind last minute. I'm going to California with you!" He says. "WHAT?! OMG I LOVE YOU" I say while giving him a huge hug. "WHAT? HOW?" I say still kind of yelling. "I changed on the last day!" "So are we going to live together?" I ask him. "Well. I don't have enough money for a nice apartment but maybe if we shared we can afford something pretty since OUR college doesn't have dorms.

We danced all night. We kissed all night. We talked all night. We said goodbye to most of our friends all night.

At about 3 AM Jug and I went back to his trailer. His dad wasn't home...

🔞📢 Mature content

I walked into the trailer. Jug pushed me against the door and started to kiss me. We made out while walking to his room. We didn't break the kiss. He pushed me onto the bed. I giggled. He unbuttoned his blouse. While he did that I tryed to open the zipper from my dress. He saw that I was struggeling. He giggled. "Stop!" I say hitting his arm. "Here let me help you" he says as he started to open my zipper. He pulled my dress off of me. I start to losen his belt and take of his trouser. We're both only in our underwear now. We start to make out again. Cole starts to kiss me on my chin, my neck and he goes lower. He opens my bra and trows it to the floor. He starts to suck my boobs. I can't help it, so I let out a small moan. He looks up to me with a smile. "You like that?" he asks. I nod. "Well then you are going to have an amazing night." he says while starting to kiss my belly. He is at the edge of my underwear. He looks up to me to see if I allow him to take off my underwear. I nod while giggling. He trows my underwear away. He first starts to kiss my belly again. "Stop teasing!" I say. He doesn't say anything back. He just giggles. He then starts to kiss my clit. I feel his warmth and it's turning me on. He then starts to use his tongue. "Jughead" I moan. He starts to lick my clit and he puts a finger inside me. "O my god!" I moan at the feeling. He continues pleasuring me. He starts to move his finger and tongue faster. "OMG. Jug I'm gonna come." I yell/moan. I'm so wet. Jug licks me. He then comes up again and starts to kiss me. "You are so good!" I say in between kisses. "Well, you taste good." he says making me blush. "Now it's my turn" I say while taking off his underwear. I already know that he's hard cause I felt it when we were making out. I start to kiss his top. I then open my mouth and start to lick his penis. After a while if hear from his moaning that he is coming. I taste it and swallow every last bit of it. "O my gosh. Betty you're the best. I love you so much." he says in a sexy voice. "Ready?" he asks me. I nod. He turns around getting a condom. He turns back around as he says: "Maybe we can try some new thing tonight" "Surprise me Jones!" I say as we start to make out again. He gets on top of me. He gives me a look. I nod. He starts. "Oh my gosh" I moan. He goes faster and faster. We both moan very loud. "Get on your hands and knees." He says demanding. "Okay, Jones" I do what he says and he starts to take me doggy style. We both moan. 


"Not again" 

"I'll go" Jug says.

He walks to the door while putting on a bathrope. He opens the door. "Hi. I don't mean to bother you in what you where doing. But it's 4 AM and some people have to go to work tomorrow. Sooo if you can keep the moaning down a bit that would be nice." I hear a man say. "Oh I'm so sorry" Jug says while closing the door. He walks back to me. "Where were we?" he asks with a sexy voice. "We can't just continue" "Why not?" "You're to good. I can't moan softer if you're that good." "Oh Cooper. you'll have to try"

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