Pregnant (part 5) ~ Sprousehart

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Lili's POV

I'm 38 weeks pregnant with our beautiful baby boy. We can't wait to meet him.

The writers made Betty pregnant to. This way I could stay on the show without the show going on a big break. We filmed all my scenes of this season. Even though the rest of the cast has over a month of shooting left. We filmed my scenes ahead. Right now I'm on my trailer though. Cole is filming and I decided to come with him today because it gets boring at home. I am laying on the bed. I am really tired. I try to nap, but for some reason I can't fall a sleep.

My water breaks.

Oh no. What am I gonna do. Our baby is coming. Fuck Cole is filming. I try to get out of bed but I can't. I can't stand on my legs. No. My phone is in the charger on the other side of my trailer. The only thing I can do right now is scream. I scream my lungs out. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" After about a minute of screaming Cole runs in. "What wrong?" he asks out of breath. "My water broke" "It's happening! Our boy is coming!" "Yeah! Now get me to the hospital" I say while laughing.

Cole brought me in to the hospital. In the car we called our parents to say that they have to come to Vancouver as soon as possible.

"We see the head" the doctor says. "Lils, you can do it! I believe in you" Cole says while holding my hands. I start to push again. It hurts so fucking bad. "Push, push" the doctor says. "One more big push, miss Reinhart" I push as hard as I can. I hear a soft cry. I look at Cole. We're both crying. "Here is your baby boy" the doctor says while putting our baby on my bare chest. This feeling is amazing. I can't describe how this feels.

The baby got checked and I took a shower. Right now Cole and I are laying in the bed with our beautiful baby on Cole's chest. We still can't believe we're his parents.

After an hour we hear a knock on the door. It's my mom and dad and Cole's dad. "Hi" they whisper. "Hi!" We whisper back because the baby is sleeping. "Congratulations!" My mom says. "I'm so proud of you guys" Cole's dad says while giving me a kiss on my head. "Your all grandparents now. How does that feel?" Cole says. "Amazing" My mom says. She has tears in her eyes. "What's his name?" My dad asks.

"Luke Casper Sprouse" we say together.

"Wow that's beautiful." Cole's dad says. "Yeah" My parents say agreeing. "He would've loved that" my mom says. "Yeah, he would've" I say with tears in my eyes. Cole gives me a kiss on my head, while my mom holds my hand. "What does Casper mean?" My dad asks. "Treasure in Italian." "Keeping the roots ha!" his dad says with a big smile. I can really see how proud he is.

After two days in the hospital we're finally at home. We're laying in bed with Luke on my chest and Cole's arm around me and Luke. "Do you wanna marry me?" Cole asks after a long silence. "What?" I say giggling. "Lili Pauline Reinhart. I love you so much. Do you want to marry me?" "Yes! A thousand times yes" I say a bit to loud. We kiss and just like that Luke wakes up. He starts crying. Cole immediately calms him down. He really loves being a dad.

Wow I really love my life with my baby and my future husband.

I loved writing this little story. This was the last part. Let me know what you guys thought of it! If you have suggestions let me now in the comments! Love you guys❤️

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