Pregnant (part 1) ~ Sprousehart

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Lili's POV

I'm late. 3 weeks. I didn't tell Cole about it yet. I want to a test before I tell him. So here I am. In our bathroom. Cole is having dinner with Casey. So I'm home alone.

I just took the test. I have to wait. It feels like hours. But it's only a couple of minutes.

My timer goes. I look at the test.


Omg. I'm pregnant. What am I gonna do? How am I gonna tell Cole? It's not like we planned it. What if he doesn't want the baby?

*time skip 1 hour*

I hear the door open. Cole is laughing so I guess someone is with him. Shit. I want to tell him alone first. I hear from the laughing that Casey is still with him. I'm so nervous. Fack. I don't wanna cry. I can't hold back the tears.

I walk down stairs in tears. I walk into the living room. No. I see Cole, Casey, KJ, Charles and Cami. They all look worried as hell.

"What's wrong, baby?" Cole says standing up from the couch. "Uhm.. can we... can we talk?" I say trying to stop talking. "Yeah, of course Lils. Did I do something wrong?" he says while pulling me in a hug. "Alone" I say walking away.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong" Cole says as we're sitting on our bed. "I.." I sigh. "I am late. For my... my period. I took a test. And well..." "Are you pregnant?" Cole asks with tears in his eyes. "Yes" I say. He doesn't say anything. He stares into my eyes. Both of us crying. He pulls me into his arms. "We're gonna be parents. I am gonna be a dad" Cole says while still hugging me. "Are you mad?" "Mad?!" He asks pulling away and looking me confused in my eyes. "Why would I be mad?" he asks softly. "I don't know. I just thought like we didn't plan this so maybe you didn't want our baby" I say embarrassed looking down at my lap. "Lils." He says lifting my head. "I love you and our baby" "We love you to" I say looking into his beautiful eyes. We both lean in.  This is the best kiss we've ever had. I forget al my worries. I only feel love.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask Cole. "What do you want?" he asks while holding my hand and softly drawing circles on it with his thumb. "Well I wanna keep it. It's our baby. We made this. I wanna be a mom. And I hope you wanna be a dad" I say looking at our hands. "I would love to" "thank god" I say giggling. "But how are we gonna do everything? Like what are we gonna do with Riverdale. Are we gonna take a break? What if Roberto gets mad? What if we lose our job?" I say starting to panic. "Hey, look at me. Calm down. Everything is gonna be alright."

We talked for about half an hour now. "Are we gonna tell them?" Cole asks me. "Right now? No. I want to wait" "Okay"

"I love you"

"I love you to"

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