Pregnant (part 2) ~ Sprousehart

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Lili's POV

It's been a month since we found out that I'm pregnant. We've been to the doctor. Nobody else knows. We wanted to keep it a secret at least for a little while. This month we spend every minute we could together. We have never been more in love. Every night Cole talks to my belly. He tells the baby story's about our life. He talks about how excited he is to be a dad. It's the cutest thing ever.

Today we planned on telling our close family. We wanted to tell our parents first. We are really busy with filming so unfortunately we can't tell them in person. We decided to FaceTime them. "I'm so nervous" I say to Cole as he is pulling out his phone to call my parents. "I mean I want to say don't be nervous, but I am to" he says sighing. "We can do this" and as I say that he FaceTimes my mom. "Hi guys! So good to see you!" My mom says when she picks up the phone. "Hi mom!" "Hi Amy" we say. "Is dad home?" I ask nervous. "No he is at work. Why? Is there something wrong? you guys look nervous" she says worried. "Well..." Cole says. "You should tell her" he says. I nod. "We are having a baby" I say with a big smile on my face. "Really?" she asks with tears in her eyes. "Yes!" Cole says. "I am so happy for you guys!" We are all crying while smiling so big. "How far along are you?" "2 months" "Can I tell the Cloe and Tess?" she asks wiping her tears away. "Are they at home?" I ask. "Yes. There upstairs." "Okay. Can you get them?" I ask. "Don't spoil anything!" Cole says. We all laugh.

We just told all of my close family. "Now it's your turn, love. Are you nervous?" I ask while snuggling more into his side. "A little bit." He says looking at me. "I love you" I say staring into his eyes. "I love you to and our baby" We kiss passionately while he is rubbing my belly.

We just called his dad and his stepmom. They are so excited. I love them they are always so supportive. "Do you wanna tell your mom?" I ask softly. "No, I don't want her to know. She doesn't have to be a part of our baby's life" he says looking sad. "Okay. What ever you want, babe." I say giving him a peck on the cheek.

We didn't tell Dylan and Barbara yet because they would come and visit us in Vancouver in two weeks and we wanted to tell them in person.

Dylan and Barbara are coming today. Cole is really nervous. He is afraid of Dylan's reaction. But I know he is gonna love this baby as if it was his own. We hear the doorbell. Cole let's out a big sigh. "It'll be alright." I say giving him a peck on his cheek. We walk to the front door. "Hey guys!" "Hi! How are you?"

We talked for a while. Cole looks at me. I nod. "We need to tell you guys something." Cole says. "We are having a baby" he says while holding my belly. "No way" Dylan says surprised. "Come here" he says. Cole and Dylan hug. They talk to each other softly so I can't hear what they say. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Barbara says giving me a hug. "Thanks! We're very excited" I say as we pull away. "When is your due date?" she asks. Dylan and Cole finally stopped hugging lol. "March 23" Cole says. "Yep" I say. We give each other a kiss. "I am so happy for you guys." Dylan says. He hugs me and Cole hugs Barbara.

We talked a lot about our future, the baby and so much more. Cole told me he is so happy with the way Dylan's reacted.

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