Pregnant (part 4) ~ Sprousehart

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Lili's POV

I'm 22 weeks pregnant. Yesterday Cole and I went to the doctor. She put the gender of our baby in an envelope. Cami and Casey are organizing a baby shower / gender reveal party. We gave the envelope with the gender to Cami this morning on set. Cole thinks it's gonna be a girl. I think it's gonna be a boy.

Today is the day of the baby shower. We invited a lot of people. Even though we want to keep our baby private for now, we did want everybody close to us to be at the shower. So here is a look at our guest list: My mom and dad, Cloe with her boyfriend, Tess with her boyfriend, Cole's dad and stepmom, Dyl and Barbara, Hayley and Brett, Debby, Austyn, Taylor, Nick and the whole cast and a lot of the crew members from Riverdale.

Cami and Casey made everything so pretty. We rented a venue close to set. They decorated everything in blue and pink. There are two big bowls. Everyone can choose if they think our baby is a boy or a girl. They can write there name on the paper and a name suggestion.

Cole is writing a name on a card and throws it into the pink bowl. I do the same for the blue bowl. "Are you excited?" he asks me. "Yeah. I'm so happy everybody could come!" I say. Cole walks closer to me and stands behind me. He hugs me from behind with his hands on my belly.

We talked a lot. We ate a lot. We laughed a lot. We got a lot of gifts.
Cami came up to me. "Where is Cole?" she asks. "He's talking to his dad. I think he is over there" I say pointing towards the back of the room. "Okay thanks girl. We're gonna do the gender reveal in 10 minutes. Okay?" "Okay!" She gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks to the other side of the room to find Cole.

It's 10 minutes later. Everyone is standing around the big cake. Cole and I are about to cut it. We look at each other and both lean in for a kiss. After a minute we pull away and get the knife. I let out a big sigh. Cole grabs my hand. "Here we go" we cut the cake. "BLUE! IT'S A BOY!!!" Cami yells. Everyone starts clapping and cheering. I look at Cole. "We're having a baby boy!" I say with tears in my eyes. We kiss passionately. When we pull away I say: "I was right!" We both laugh really hard.

We're sitting at home it's the day after the baby shower. We opened all our gifts yesterday. Right now we're looking at the name suggestions. Even though it's a boy we're still reading them all. Cole reads the ones for the boy and I for the girl.

After reading for a while Cole starts crying. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Uhm... this one" he lets out a big sigh. "It's okay. Take your time" I say while grabbing his hand softly. "This one is from Kage" "what name is it?"


Tears come into my eyes. "That's so beautiful"
I start to sob. "Come here" Cole says. He pulls me into a really tight hug. We miss him so much. It's been more than a year, but the pain never goes away. We've talked about it before. We wished he was a part of our baby's life.


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