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"Say goodbye to pinkie." Ken shot out towards the tree before him, he saluted the tree as he smirked menacingly before he walked away, with Sakura following him obediently.

On top of the tree, the person who managed to watch the entire conversation but was rendered immobilised was; Kakashi. His lone eye watched as Sakura quickly disappeared from his view. He heard a sudden shift behind him before the person made his presence known and stood right in front of Kakashi's awkward and still body.

"Hey. Where's Sakura?" Sasuke asked Kakashi in his usual lazy drawl, his eyes scanned around the area for any sight of his pink-haired teammate.

When Kakashi did not answer, Sasuke frowned and threw Kakashi a dirty look, which was returned with an odd look, a panic-stricken facial expression was plastered on Kakashi's face. Sasuke blinked and realised that Kakashi had not move a single inch since he got there. Sasuke activated his sharingan and realised that Kakashi's energy level were odd, his insides were active; highly active which did not justify Kakashi's solitary actions.

"You are under someone's powers." Sasuke muttered as he quickly removed the bind that had placed on Kakashi as a target.

As soon as Sasuke had lifted the "mind-binding" jutsu from Kakashi he lifted up his eye patch, revealing his lone sharingan and yelled, "Sakura! He's got her!"

Sasuke let out a Low growl as he followed Kakashi, "You let your guard down old man! Who took her?!" Sasuke yelled as he leaped from tree to tree.

"Oudo Ken. The last Oudo bloodline. He uses mind binding technique to control others.." Kakashi explained hurriedly.

Sasuke's head snapped towards Kakashi's form, "That is why I can't get anything on Mori! This asswipe was the one who was using him as a puppet!" Sasuke spat. He was furious, why did he not see this before?

"Sharingan." Kakashi exclaimed through heavy breathing, "It is his weakness. If we quicken the pace we might just catch up to them. You were right. I let my guard down. I should have activated my Sharingan immediately."

"You mean Obito's Sharingan." Sasuke corrected his ex-Sensei.

Kakashi ignored Sasuke's remarks. He knew Sasuke was not entirely acceptable to the fact that a non-Uchihaa such as Kakashi, himself could wield the legendary Sharingan.

"If something happens to Sakura.. You will regret it.." Sasuke started, making Kakashi feeling worse than he already was.

"If Sakura gets hurt. I will NEVER forgive myself." Kakashi revealed. Leaving Sasuke looking more annoyed than he already was.

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"Tenten. A hawk is coming our way, grab the scroll that is headed towards you in approximately 3 seconds from now." Neji ordered as he led the way.

Tenten caught the scroll effortlessly and tossed it to her team captain, Neji opened up the scroll before his eyes widened, it wrote:


Sakura's captured by Oudo Ken, the last bloodline of the mind control doujutsu clan. Do not let Tenten out of your sight. Head north.


"Tenten. Sakura is under the enemy's captivity, we are heading to rescue her now. Our enemy uses his eyes to control our minds. Byakugan and Sharingan wielders can deflect his jutsu. Stay with me and avoid eye contact." Neji ordered.

Psychology : Kakashi (KakaSaku)Where stories live. Discover now