Chapter 13

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Mackenzies pov

We wave goodbye to kate and the others as we exit the car. We've just gotten back from shopping.

"Our fall wardrobe just got blessed," Lauren grins.

"I know right," I agree as we open the door.

While we were at the mall the girls all encouraged me to ask Johnny out. I'm still gathering up the courage to do it.

"I'm going to go find Carson," Nadia smiles and gives us a wave.

"You go girl," me and Lauren cheer.

"You should go find Johnny," Lauren smirks.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "I'm good."

"Whatever," she laughs, "I'm going to go find Hayden."

Lauren walks away leaving me alone.

I walk outside and sit on the porch swing.

Is it worth it to ask Johnny out? I'm like 99% sure he will reject me, why would he want to date me when there's so many others?

"Hey kenz," someone says from behind me.

I turn around to see Johnny.

"Hey!" I smile as he sits down next to me, "you aren't with the guys?"

"Carson went off somewhere with Nadia. And then Jacob, Hayden, and Lauren started playing pool, I got bored so I left," Johnny explains.

I laugh remembering the last time we played pool. Johnny sucks at pool (aka billiards). He's probably worse than me and that's saying a lot.

"Johnny," I start to say.

"Yeah," he replies.

"I wanted to ask you something," I say nervously.

"What is it kenz?" He asks.

My heart is beating 10 times faster then normal, I'm literally so nervous right now.

"This is super weird but I've started to develop feelings for you after that kiss," I say nervously, "I totally understand if you don't feel the same way, I just need you to know."

Johnny blushes and stares at the ground which makes me regret everything I just said.

We sit in silence for a few minutes at then he starts to say, "listen you're a great girl and all but-"

I already know his sentence is going to end with 'I don't have feelings for you.' I quickly cut him off, before he can end the sentence, saving myself from rejection and embarrassment.

"Just kidding," I laugh as I interrupt, "did you actually think I would ever have feelings for you?"

I pretend to gag.

"Oh my god kenz you actually got me," Johnny laughs, "I was like what the fuck do I say to that. I like you as a friend but not like that."

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