Chapter two: so dark, so very very dark

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I felt like I had to vomit, I felt like I was gonna die.

Well, truth be told, I was dying.

Ugh, if I would have known Ariana was gonna be here I would have scheduled my death another time.

The plan was get up, eat the pills, go to my mom and dad, say my secret goodbyes, and go to my room to die. Simple. What wasn't my plan was for Ariana to show up. And the worse part? The pain was getting un-fucking-bearable.

I clutched the railing harder, as much as I wanted to clutch my stomach, I didn't want to alarm Ariana or my parents.

"Miles!" Ariana beamed, gesturing for a hug.

'Fuck man, as much as her leave hurt me, I always forgive her'

I smiled a fake smiled, and slowly backtracked back down the stairs. I winced as the pain hit me again. Luckily no one seemed to notice.

I walked over to Ariana arms, and hugged her.

Not gonna lie, it felt nice being in her arms, even if it was my last time.

"I've missed you! How have you been?!" She smiled her bright tooth smile as we pulled back from the hug.

"I've..uh I've been good." I lied, stammering.

'Get your shit together, Miles.'

I winced again, the pain was getting real.

"Are you ok?" Ariana asked, concern and worry evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a nap. It was nice seeing you Ari." I smiled, but yet, it was fake.

Ari smiled to her nickname, before giving me one last hug. I quickly rushed to my room, not wanting to faint in the living room.

I shut the door to my room, clutching my stomach for dear life. Sweat prickled down my head to my neck. I quickly locked my door and ran to my dresser, where I kept my note. I threw it on my dresser top, and laid in my bed.

I looked at my violently shaking hands.

'Fuck man.'

Another shot of unbearable pain.
I grasped my stomach.

"Just go to sleep." I mumbled.

I felt my eyes get heavy, I felt myself leaving the world.

Then I saw blackness.

Cold, very cold. Dark, very dark.

Where am I?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

"Give it to me straight, will she be ok?"

That voice, I've heard it before.

"Well, she was very close to flatlining, very."

Who flatlined?

"You didn't answer my question."

The woman was crying, I could hear it in her voice.

"Mrs. Grande,"

"She will be ok, she just needs more rest. She'll be ok."

The woman who's last name was Grande, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Doctor," the woman started

"Why would she try to..." the woman trailed off, crying a bit more.

The doctor sighed.

"Well, I don't know her, suicide has many different reason."

The doctor sighed once more, "Ariana, there isn't much I can say that will help, but your sister had clearly intentions of dying that very day."

Suddenly, like a bomb, memories flashed in my brain, my family, Ariana, my suicide attempt.

I opened my eyes, only to be met with a bright, bright light. I immediately shut my eyes before reopening them. I looked around the all white room, I quickly brought my hand up to my face, wiping the crust out of my eyes. I looked around the room, to the very side I saw a nurse. I cracked a small smile at her before remembering why I was here.

My suicide attempt didn't work.

"Fuck.." I mumbled.

I was snapped outta my thoughts by the nurse.

"Your awake?" she said smiling.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled.

She frowned, "Well, I have to get your parents and sister." She said checking something on her clipboard before walking out.

I bit my lip,

'Shit, how could of my attempt not work?'

Suddenly, without warning, pain shot threw my stomach.

I quickly grabbed my stomach, trying to stop the pain.

I whimpered,


I yelled out, the pain felt like no other.

I felt tears prickle at my eyes.

"Hey calm down," a voice said to me.
I looked to the voice and realized it was a doctor.

Pain hit me again. Worse this time.

The heart monitor started to increase, dramatically.

"Hey can we get a nurse over here!" The doctor yelled.

Pain after pain.

I grabbed my stomach harder doing my best to stop this pain.

I felt my hot tears roll down my face,

Doctors, and people were yelling around me. For reasons I couldn't understand, the pain was too much.

I yelled out.

"Ok, Miles! We need you to calm down, we are going to give you some medicine."

I could only nod my head as more pain hit me.

Soon the pain left but in exchange I felt drowsy.

I laid back, sweat covering my neck.

Soon I felt darkness consuming me.

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