chapter eleven: a lil' bit of hope

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"Miles!" I felt muscular arms wrap around my frame and I eagerly returned the warm hug.

"Hey, Frank." I mumbled into Frankie's shoulder. I couldn't help inhaling my brother scent, who smelt like Dolce&Gabbana and oddly a tinge of pineapples.

Frankie stepped back, grabbing a hold of my arms gently. "How are you doing, babe?"

The concern in Frankie's eyes briefly overwhelmed me. "I'm okay, Kirk." Frankie smiled at the pet name, which no doubt brought back warming memories.

"Well, you've always been just okay haven't you, Milly?" I groaned at the nickname but Frankie waved dismissively.

A gentle cough filled the air. "No, 'Hello, Ari'?" Frankie eyed Ariana, who stood near the kitchen island. "Do you know her?" I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips at Ariana's not amused face. Yet my laugh was contagious as soon both of my siblings joined in.

"How'd you even get in?" Ari spoke after a few moments of laughter. Frankie smirked, dropping a kiss to my forehead before making his way to Ariana. He flipped a key into Ari's hand before scooping her into a gigantic hug, effectively making her squeal. It wasn't long before both siblings were talking about the latest drama. I smiled contently on the couch, watching Frankie and Ari bicker while cooking.

I felt at peace despite my circumstances.

Around 6pm Frankie left leaving me and Ariana to our own devices. It had been an enjoyable Sunday with my siblings.

"You'll be going to Regional High." Ariana said from her place besides me. We were just finishing up washing dishes yet a felt a cold shiver run through me at those words.

I gulped, nodding gently as I ran a warm wash cloth through a glass cup. Ariana eyes followed me, seemingly concerned. "Baby," Ariana gently raised her hand onto mines, ceasing my movements and forcing my eyes to peer into hers. "I know how you feel about school." I cocked my head, confused. "Bullies, right?" I felt like a cold bucket of water was just thrown onto me. How did she know?

Ariana lips curved into a grimace. "Your panic attack after I mentioned it last time gave me a hint." She paused momentarily, shutting the faucet and bringing her wet warm hands to cup my cheeks. "I'm sorry you went through that. Had I known I would have done-" "Nothing. There's nothing you could have done." I shook my head, leaning into Ari's touch. deserved it!

I twitched at the snarky comment and felt my hands overlap Ari's for some sense of comfort.

"You didn't deserve that, Miles. But please don't worry, this new school, it will treat you better." I smiled bitterly as I felt myself being hugged.

A girl could hope.

"Will you be okay?" Ariana grasped my hand, her gentle touch soothing my nerves. The enrollment process had been nothing but quick and today would be my first day at Regional High. Throughout the semi blissful week and a half I had been with my older sister I had briefly forgotten she was popular celebrity and with her recent album, Positions, blowing up; she was a force of nature within the music industry and I couldn't be more prouder of her. Yet it was times like this that made me despite her fame.

Because of her status, Ari couldn't send me off to my first day of school. So I could only smile dejectedly as Ariana gave me her goodbyes. She was at an all time nervousness, her shaking and worrying eyes made me hate school and everything else that wasn't my sister.

It's your faultttt.

The voice singsonged. I couldn't help but agree. Yet I pushed the self-pity away in turns for bidding my sister goodbye.

"I'll be okay. It's a bit.." Terrifying, please don't make me go. "Much." Ariana gently placed a kiss on my forehead. "It's okay to be scared." I could only hug her. "Text me when you get there." Ariana turned to Oscar who stood at the door frame entrance to her apartment. "Take care of my baby, and drive safely." Ariana firmly stated, raising an eyebrow towards her personal chauffeur. Oscar looked offended and hurt and I laughed. Ariana turned to me.

It was a bright laugh that I need for my first school day.

"Also your going to have a bodyguard."

Wait what?

"Welcome to Regional Eastern High Miles!"

Principal David was a tall man, oddly fitted in a navy blue suit. He firmly shook my hand as I fixed my jacket. His office was homie and personal touches laid everywhere I looked.

Going inside the school had been nerve wracking as I feared students seeing my babysitter, luckily the school building consisted of minor kids, all who seemed like excited freshmen. Yet I still felt aggravated at Leon Cleve who was my personal bodyguard. I felt a spike of anger at Ari for not telling me I had to deal with a bodyguard earlier then today. Leon argued briefly with me stating I would just see him before and after school but still.

Damn my overprotective sister.

She knew how to hide from my wrath.

Deep down I knew she was just concerned and deep down I loved her attention.

But as Leon stood besides me, I couldn't help gritting my teeth.

"Here's your schedule, I assume you read the school pamphlet?" I didn't but I stood my head 'yes' ignoring Leon's accusing look. "Then you won't need a tour. School will start in 3 minutes-" A loud yet annoying bell sounded. Principal David smiled, "Off you go then!" I quickly shuffled out the office, ignoring Leon's goodbye.

The halls were packed, students scattered everywhere, some laughing, some on their phone, some kissing, some roaming about. It was truly a school setting and I couldn't help but be thrilled at the lack of care for me, a new student. Maybe this school would be a good one. A glance at my schedule told me homeroom would be on the second floor in room 216. Another bell rang, signaling the start of homeroom and suddenly the halls were empty, only few student remained. I shook my head, pacing myself towards the main staircase. I blessed my ability to navigate new settings as I trudged up the dark blue steps. Getting lost on my first day would be seriously the worst.

As I reach the second floor I halted at the sound of crying, laughing and insults. Turning the corner of the staircase I was met by rows of lockers and classrooms and my breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped. Against the lockers, a few feet from me was a small scrawny boy, held by a muscled brown haired teen. Next to the brown haired boy, laughing like maniac, was another boy; this one with black hair yet equally if not more muscled.

But this wasn't what had my heart beating insanely, no, it was the female leaning against the opposite row of lockers. She held an air of confidence, and greatly so. My first thought voiced quite loudly with permission.


a/n: for the person who asked for it! Sorry it came later but work has been a pain so..anyways. I hope you guys enjoy it, things will start to spice up now. But remember before it gets better, it will get worse. Also I decided that this story will probably need a little more grounding in reality so I will start add pictures to show characters, outfits and stuff like that. Also also in this story COVID does not exist for obvious reasons. Anyways this was not re-read so any mistakes are entirely mine and my own. Till next time, vote, review and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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