chapter nine: breathe with me

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I huffed as I trudged up the steps to Ari's apartment front door with heavy bags, Ari just behind me. "Still don't know why you insisted on getting so much, Ari." Ariana smiled as we reached her door, passing me another bag so she could fish her purse for the keys. "You know you deserve it, plus I called mom before we left to the mall, she said you didn't really go shopping with her at all."

You don't deserve it, you never have.

I forcefully chuckled, ignoring the wicked voice in my head. Ariana frowned. "Yeah, I guess I really never liked it."

Now your lying? To the one person who claims to love a whore like you? Despicable.

"Well you seemed to enjoy it today, with me." Ariana gently smiled, as if she knew I was lying. I rubbed the back of my neck, sheepishly. We walked into her beautiful condo. I dropped the bags on the couch, rubbing my irritated red fingers. Ariana smiled passing me the 4 H&M bags she was holding. "So what's for dinner, babe?"

Food? Like you deserve such thing.

"I-I'm not very hungry, Ari." I felt a pang of pain within my heart as the voice ruthlessly spoke. Suddenly Ariana was in front of me, grasping my shoulders ever so gently. "Baby, look at me,"
Ariana spoke but I couldn't hear anything but the sound of my heart pounding within my chest.

Still having panic attacks? So pathetic you are.

Everything felt so small and compressed. I couldn't hear or feel anything. I didn't register me slowly falling to the floor and curling into a tight ball. My chest was tight and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

Ariana's Pov

I watched desperately as Miles fell to floor, I held her tight though, assuring she didn't fall hard. I called out to Miles, anything to bring her back to me. "Miles, Miles! Baby, breathe, ok? Breathe." A panic attack, I knew, I had my fair share of them. But it was different, I knew how to partially calm myself down, and when I couldn't do that I had Courtney by my side. But Miles had no one, she hadn't had anyone for the longest time. I felt tears bubble up as I though about the last time I was with my sister.

Now is not the time for that! Worry about Miles!

I cupped Miles cheeks, bringing her face close to mines. Her eyes were shut tight as she held a hand to her heart, crumpling her white tee below it. I needed to break through to her. "Miles, I need to you to breathe okay, can you hear me baby?" I gently ran my thumb across her cheek. I felt her tremble as I slowly brought her into my lap and put her head against my chest. Hoping that she heard my raging heartbeat and that somewhat calmed her down. I rocked up back and forth, whispering sweet nothings into her ears. "Listen to my heartbeat babe, focus on nothing but that." I felt Miles grip my shoulder blades as she shook. I could only hold her as I felt her breathing slowly but surely even out.

An hour later Miles was peacefully sleeping against my chest. It was only then that I let out my tears. I brought my free hand up to my mouth to cover a sob.

She's in so much pain. What can I do to help? A therapist? Yes. Most definitely. I have to make sure she's okay. I have to be here for her.

Another 30 minutes later, I felt my tears stop. I cradled Miles gently, before slowly attempting to pick her up.

She's too light.

I brought Miles to the couch, gently throwing a blanket over her. Kissing her forehead softly, I made my way to the kitchen island. I grabbed my phone, seeing that I have 6 missed calls and 27 messages.


I glanced to Miles, upon seeing her peacefully resting I rolled my sweater sleeves and got to work in the kitchen.

a/n: no excuses for being horribly awful at updating. School has just recently started but I decided why not update this story. Hope y'all enjoyed 600 words of pure filler. love y'all. didn't bother proof reading btw.

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