Chapter seven: a new phone

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A/n: So here is chapter 7 after popular demand, apparently you guys like this story, don't know why, but eh. Anywho a quick authors note here, the last chapters I wrote (not including 6) were done over one or two years ago. This book, up to 6, has been extremely sloppy and I'm too lazy to fix it. Of course I will go back and touch up on a few things but I don't think I will be rewriting it all anytime soon. If you guys want more of this story, please vote and comment. Quarantine has got me doing absolutely nothing so I have all the time in the world. Also, in case you didn't know those lines are suppose to be line breaks. Enough bullshit, on with chapter seven.


"Shopping?" I raised an eyebrow at my sister. I was in my new room, putting my clothes away and laying back on my extremely comfy bed before Ariana bursted into my room with the idea of going shopping.

"Yup! You need new clothes, new shoes, new everything really." Ariana beamed at me, fiddling with her hem of her sweatshirt. I could only stare at Ariana. New stuff?

Ariana huffed, throwing herself at the end of my bed. "Ok fine! I just wanna spoil you, I mean, your my baby sister and you deserve the world." I felt flattered that my sister would think of me like that.

Yeah considering your pretty much useless.

I winced at my own thoughts. "You ok?" Ariana spoke, clearly seeing my wince. "Yeah, yeah." I nodded, giving her a small smile. Ariana frowned, not convinced. "So shopping? Sure, sounds like fun." I changed the subject. Ariana raised a perfect eyebrow, before humming happily. "Awesome, but are you sure your ok?" I waved my sister off. Despite our emotional moment on the jet, I still couldn't help the feeling of hating myself. I didn't belong with Ariana, she deserves a better sister then me, she deserves someone who isn't me. I was brought out of my thoughts by Ariana, who put a soft hand on my cheek. "Hey," she softly spoke, urging me to look her in the eye. "Don't do that, don't ridicule yourself." My sister's eyes were soft and warm. Those brown eyes could comfort anyone and she chose to comfort me with them.

You definitely do not deserve any of Ariana's love and comfort.

I softly pushed Ariana's comforting hand away with my own, "I'm sorry, Ari, you really shouldn't waste yourself on me. I have nothing to give, I'm pretty much useless." I felt delicate hands firmly grab my chin forcing me to make eye contact. "Don't ever say that about yourself, do you understand me? You are smart, beautiful, and most definitely not useless. And I don't care how long it takes, I will make you understand that. You are my sister, my baby sister, you deserve everything." Ariana's eyes were glossed over with tears and I felt my very own bubble up. Ariana was a fierce person, she wanted me to get better, she wanted me to be a better and more confident person.

I wanted that too.


"Ari, this is a lot of stuff!" I trudged behind my sister as we walked aimlessly through the big mall. I was holding around 6 bags, all filled with clothing or other essentials for me. Ari had around 7, and you would think it would be for her. Nope. All for me. Ariana's security was faint but there, thankfully all dressed in some casual clothing.

"Well, I'm not taking it back and neither are you. I bought it for you so you will take it." Ariana spoke with a low voice, not wanting to expose herself or me. She was even wearing dark clothing with no makeup. It was a surprisingly quiet day at the mall with only one or two people coming up to Ari for autographs or pictures.

"Ok well I think I got enough, we should go to your place." Ariana frowned, grabbing my sleeve with her free hand. "It's your home too, love." I nodded, "Yeah right, right, I'm still getting use to it, ya know?" Ariana smiled warmly and stopped walking to give me a small kiss on the forehead. "One more store, then we can go." I pouted to my sister who giggled.


I fiddled with my new iPhone 11 on the drive home. My old phone was a Samsung, not that my parents were cheap, it's just I never needed a high class phone.

"How does this even work?" Ari giggled from besides me as her driver laughed from the drivers seat. I glared at both of them. "Sorry ma'am," he apologized but still couldn't help a chuckle that escaped his lips. "You do well to pay attention to the road, Oscar." I spoke, playfully. He saluted and I giggled. Ariana smiled, her eyes held a twinkle of playfulness. "Well it's simple sis, just swipe up like this to go to your home screen, all of these are your usual apps and whatnot.."

Ariana continued to speak about how to use my new phone all the way home. It was nice. Spending this rich and priceless time with my sister. I knew her job would take her away at some point, I just didn't know it would be so soon.


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