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Helloww, it's yo awkward potato

Do you want to hear a story? No?

Let me tell you a story

It's about a turtle.

There once was a lonely and bald turtle. [unnamed]

When suddenly out of nowhere a wild turtle appeared.
"what's wrong?" the [wild] turtle said.

"who are you? I'm sad." [unnamed] turtle said.

"I can see that you're sad, you can call me purple." the [wild] turtle answered.

Another turtle appeared

"We want to know why, that's why we're here." [other] turtle said.

"I'm sad because I'm bald." the [unnamed] turtle explained

"Because you're bald? Not because you're lonely?" the [Purple] turtle said.

"Maybe because I'm also lonely, but nevertheless I want hair." the [unnamed] turtle answered.

"Ok then... But if it's really hair you want, we can help you." [other] said once again

"We'll take you to the turtle king, he'll know something about hair." [Purple] turtle 

"OK, also, should I call you orange then?" [unnamed] turtle asked [other] turtle.

"What? Why would you do that? Just call me Henk." [other] turtle answered.

And they walked to the turtle king, together.

Later that day.

"We're here, and the turtle king, lives in that castle." [Henk] said while pointing at a massive castle. They went inside and talked to the king

"Hair? I might have something for that." [king] turtle said full of excitement.

He went in a room behind his throne and walked out with a bottle in his hands. (or paws... Idk... Are turtle legs paws?) 

"Tadah!" [king] turtle yelled being very pleased with himself.

"When you use this shampoo, you'll get beautiful hair in 1 second." [king] turtle bragged

So  [unnamed] turtle took the shampoo and put it on his head. He immediately got a beautiful afro and was very happy.


The wind blew of the hair, and the turtle was all alone.

"I wish I had real friends, so I wouldn't have to play all the characters by myself." [unnamed] turtle whined. 

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I hope you enjoyed this little piece of shitty artwork

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I hope you enjoyed this little piece of shitty artwork.

As you can see I made this for school once...

Not gonna lie, I was pretty proud of it actually.

Also... This took way more time than it seems, the pictures wouldn't upload, my cat needed attention by stepping on my keyboard and ruining pretty much everything again.... Yeah...

Oh well

Yo awkward potato out.

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