Hall monitors on staroids

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I was in my room, listening to music when I heard Jake pull up in his car and I heard two doors slam. Quil and Embry where here. I pulled on a pair of pants and a tank top and walked outside. "Alex." Quil said and pulled me into a hug. "Hey I was thinking about going to the beach. Wanna?" I asked the group. "Let's go!" Embry yelled. I walked into my room and changed into a black bikini and then pulled a tank top and shorts on. I pulled on my converse and then pull my long black hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my glasses then my phone and walked out. We got in Jakes car and went to La Push. After a while I broke the silence. "So Sam and his hall monitors have been watching me. You know givin me that look. The one he gave Paul and Jared." I said "Hopefully you don't let him get to you." The group said. I remember the days Jared and Paul left me for Sam.

I was sitting in my car outside Jared's house. His mom said he's been sick. I pulled the handle on my door and walked to the front door. Three knocks. Jared came to the door. "Hey Jar. How are you feeling?" I asked "Leave Alex. Don't come back." He said and slammed the door.

Three weeks later
Jared had joined Sam. Now Paul was sick. So I went to his house.

He was standing outside with Jared when I pulled up. "Paul!" I yelled "I thought I told you not to come around anymore." Jared said "You two let Sam get to you didn't you?" I asked "Lex it's much more complicated than that ok. So drop it and go home." Paul said "No Paul. I'm not goin. Not until you two tell me what's going on." I yelled. They stayed silent. "Fine you wanna be like that! Loose me! Your only friend! Go ahead!" I yelled and walked to my car. I pulled out in a hurry and started to cry. Crying while driving isn't me. I hate crying. Have cried since my mom died. I put up into my lawn and turned the car off and sat there.

We pulled up to the beach and I got out. I walked to the waters edge and stood there. I had lost my two best friends that day. Neither of them caring. I haven't been the same without them. I heard yelling and I turned and looked. I saw them. The hall monitors. Watching me. I brushed it off and walked back to Jakes car. "I wanna go home." I said and climbed in the car slamming the door. No one asked what was wrong. We pulled into our drive and I jumped out of the car and stormed off to the garage. I walked into my little study area and grab a wrench and throw it. It sticks in the wall. I suddenly feel really hot. I walk outside and Jake is standing there. "Jake. I-I need to sit down." I said. He walked me into my room and put me on my bed. "Lexie what's wrong?" He asked "I'm so hot." I said. He came back with a wet rag and ice packs. They didn't help much. "I want dad!" I yelled. Jake went and got my dad and I could hear them talking. "Hey Lexie-bear What's wrong?" He asked "It's so hot daddy. I'm too hot." I said. My dad reached and grabbed his phone. Jake had gone outside to take the guys home. "Hey. You were right. She's starting. She's sweating badly. She's been angry lately. You better get here and quick." My dad said and hung his phone up. "It's ok he's coming." Dad said. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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