Im a what

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I kept getting hotter and hotter. I couldn't sleep anymore so I was sitting on my bed with ice packs and fans. There were knocks at the door and I heard dad open it. "She's in her room." Dad said. I heard three sets of footprints rushing towards me. Then my door bursted open. I saw them. Sam Uely, Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked in a hushed voice. "Alexandrea we are gonna help you. But you've gotta come with me." Sam said. I'm too tired to fight. "Jar grab my bag and put clothes in it and my bathroom stuff then grab my phone stuff and grab my favorite book." I said. It's been months and I still call Jared and Paul by their nicknames. "Sure Lex." He said. Everyone had a different name for me. I felt the fans then off and I grabbed my stuffed wolf from when I was little and Sam carried me to his truck and the guys jumped into the bed. I'm guessing we were going to Sams because he was driving. About 15 minutes later we pulled up to a small rustic house. Cute. The boys jumped out and Sam carried me inside. "What's wrong with me?" I asked "We'll explain when it's over." Jar said. Sam put me on the couch and got me a glass of water. This is how I stayed for two weeks. Day by day I'd get worse. Pain would set in. I'd get mad at the littlest things. I heard my phone going off I looked it was Jake. He's been calling like crazy. Yes he's my younger brother but since I don't know I'm not talking to him. "How are you feeling?" Sam asked. This was the first time we'd had a conversation without anyone else present. I looked into his eyes. Everything stopped, time stopped. It was weird. I shook it off and looked down at my hands "I'm still hurting." I said. This was one of the few times a day I was in less pain. "Here." He said and handed me my phone. "Call Billy." He said. I got off the couch and walked to the front porch. "Hey dad." I said "Hey my little girl." He said "Dad I'm not little I'm 19." I said "So how far are you?" He asked "AAAGGGHHH!" I yelled. It felt like every bone in my body was braking. "SAM!" I yelled. "Andrea calm down. Let it do this. Your changing." He said. I felt one more bug wash of pain come over me then it was gone. I opened my eyes. I was closer to the ground. I looked down. I had paws. Four gray paws. "I know your scared Andrea but I'm one too. So are Jared and Paul. Your a wolf. This is why you were sick." Sam said. He shifted and I could hear what he was saying. "Think of being human." He said. I cleared my mind and I felt my bones shrink. I felt the forest air. I was my human self again. I saw my clothes shredded and one of the boys threw clothes out to me. I quickly put on shorts and a muscle tee. "What? How is this possible?" I asked. Sam came from behind his house and had clothes on. "Come inside. I'll tell you everything." He said. I walked into the house and sat on the table. "So the legends your dad tells, they are real. We are all wolfs me, the guys and now you. We hung the leaches. Vampires. We aren't on steroids like everyone says, it's just the wolf gene. Soon we get tons of muscles, we began to get big and then we phase." He said "oh Sam don't forget to tell her that thing." Paul said with his smirk. "There's one last thing. Imprinting. It's when you look into someone's eyes and suddenly your world shifts. It's not gravity holding you down it's her. You be whatever she wants you to be. But you are always her protector." He said. I looked into his eyes. It was him. "That?" I asked "Yeah. That." He said. Soon the boys fell asleep on the floor. "Hey Andrea. Since your part of the pack now. You can have the guest room. The guys don't get that but you do. You can't really be around Jake until you can be under control. Billy knows but Jake doesn't. That's why we took you away from them. So we could help you. Keep our secrets safe from people who are meant to know when they become one of us." He said. I grabbed my bags and walked to the guest room. I unpacked and looked out the window. I felt free now. I sat on my bed and texted him.
Hey dad. I phased. Sam said it's best if I stay here with him. I'm gonna be coming to get my stuff while Jakes at school tomorrow. Sam told me about imprinting.
I laid my phone on my bed and went to sleep.

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