Leeches, wolfs and birthdays

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I woke up in my bed. I groaned not wanting to get up. Today was my 20th birthday. Does Sam know this? No. I never told him. I climbed out of bed and went to my dresser. I pulled out a tank top, shorts and socks. I heard my phone ringing and jumped to get it. "Hello?" I asked "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jake yelled. He may be sick but he will never forget my birthday. "Thanks Jake. How are you feeling?" I asked. I put him on speaker and started to change. "Still hurting, sweating and I've been getting mad lately. When can I know why I'm sick?" He asked "Soon." I said. "Come and see me ans dad. We are making your favorite birthday foods." Jake said "Shh Jake. Your on speaker and I didn't tell Sam." I whispered. Then Jake started coughing. "Jake?" I asked "I'm fine." He said. "Come around 12:30. Now I gotta go." He said and hung the phone up. Great how am I going to tell Sam my birthday is today. I finished changing and walked downstairs. I walked to the counter and jumped up and pulled my phone out and texted Jared.
Alex- Hey Jar.
Jar- Ally.
Alex- I've got a problem
Jar- What is it?
Alex- Don't know if you remember but today's my Birthday. Sam doesn't know and I have to meet my dad and Jake for lunch and Sams gonna wanna go with me!
Jar- Easy. Tell him. Or me and Paul and Quil can come over and surprise you for your birthday so he'll know.
Alex- pick jar. I don't know what to do.
Jar- See ya soon
I put my phone down and hopped off the counter. I walked outside deciding to let Sam sleep. We've both been dealing with Jake and helping him. I watched the sun come up and the birds flying. "Alex?" Sam called. "Out here!" I yelled. He walked out in shorts and sat next to me. "Jared called. He said the boys are stopping by." He said "Ok. Should I go make food then?" I asked "Yeah." He said. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I pulled out eggs, toast, bacon, sausage and then put it on the stove to cook. It took about 45 minutes to cook. I was putting stuff on the stove to let the boys get themselves. I heard Sam being shushed. Good lord. I was stirring the last bit of eggs when's scream made me jump. "Surprise!" Jar yelled. "Happy birthday Lex!" The pack screamed. "It's your birthday?" Sam asked "Yeah. I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it so I didn't tell you." I said. "Oh." He said. I continued to help with breakfast and we ate. Then we chilled in the living room. Sam barely spoke to me the whole time. "Hey. I've gotta go get ready. I'm going to lunch with Jake and my dad." I said and got off the couch. "Alex can we talk? Upstairs?" Sam asked. "Sure." I said. Sam followed me into my room. I walked into my bathroom and Sam sat on my bed "What?" I asked "Why didn't you tell me it's your birthday?" He asked "Cause Sam. I didn't want to have a party or make a big deal out of it and my dad and Jake want to go to lunch with me." I said "And you couldn't tell me? Your imprint?" He asked "Sam don't start this right now." I said. He stayed silent while I put my makeup on. I walked out and changed into shorts and a black shirt. "Anything else you wanna day Sam?" I asked "I don't want you to go." He said "You don't want me to go see my dad and my brother?" I asked "With everything going on with Bella I don't want you around Jake and risking her showing up. I know how you'll get." Sam said "I'll only be gone for a few hours Sam. Can I have the keys please?" I asked "Text me when you get there and when you leave." He said. "Thank you." I said. We walked down the stairs and I grabbed my purse, his keys and my phone. I started walking to the door when I felt two hands on my waist. "You forgot something." Sam said I turned around and kissed him and then he hugged me. "Now can I go?" I asked "Fine." He said "Don't you destroy my house!" I yelled to the boys. I heard them laugh and then Sam shut the door. I walked to Sams truck and climbed in.

I pulled into my dads driveway and I put the truck in park and turned it off. I grabbed my purse and walked inside. "Dad! Jake! I'm here!" I yelled setting my bag down on the counter. "In here!" Jake yelled. I walked in and saw my favorite foods, burgers, fries, Mac and cheese, soda, and a cake. "I love it!"  I yelled. After we ate and caught up on everything I told Jake I'd come back in the morning to see him when he went to bed. I fold dad I'd see him in the morning and grabbed my stuff and went home. Lunch went longer than planed. I looked I the time it was almost 8. Oops. I got in the truck and drove home. I pulled in and saw the lights on. Great. I turned the truck off and walked inside and put my bag on the couch. "Where were you?" Sam asked "With my dad and Jake. Lunch went longer than planned and I didn't have time to tell you." I said "You didn't have time to tell me?" He asked in an angering voice "Sam. It's not that big of a deal. I was with my dad and Jake." I said "No Alex. It is a big deal because first you don't tell e it's your birthday and then you tel me your going to your dads for a few hours and then you end up being there till it's dark out. With no text!" He yelled. "Sam. Please." I said. I saw Sam shaking violently. He walked out of the house and phased. I ran to my room and sat on my bed. He's mad at me. He's mad because I didn't tell him it's my birthday, that I spent it with my family. I looked around at my desk and saw the pictures of me and Sam, me and my dad and Jake. I changed into one of Sams shirts and turned my light off and sat in the dark. I couldn't sleep. I kept trying to sleep but every time I fell asleep I'd wake up. I looked at my clock. 2:45 a.m. I got up and went and sat in the living room. I knew Sam hadn't came home yet.

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