Meeting the leech lover

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I woke up. I felt my face. I had cried myself to sleep last night. I got up and looked in Sams room. He was gone. So I walked into my bathroom and cleaned up and got ready for the day. I changed into shorts, a muscle tee and black converse. I got my backpack and put a few days worth of clothes in the bag. I got a piece of paper and wrote Sam a note.

Dear Sam,

     Im staying at my dads for a few days. I think we need some space.

I grabbed my stuff and walked to my dads. Lucky it wasn't far. I walked into dads and realized it was still early. The sun hadn't came up much yet. I walked into the kitchen and set my stuff down. I heard dad wheeling in here. "Oh. Lex you scared me." Dad said. "I'm gonna be staying here for a while." I said. "What's wrong Lex?" He asked "Me and Sam got in a fight. He leaves before I get up and stays put for a long time. He phased one night and didn't come back." I said. There were three knocks and dad rolled to the door. Next thing I know some girls running in my house. She burst through Jakes door. I saw her walk outside again. I looked out the window and Sam and the pack was here. "What'd you do?" She yelled "What he do hmm what he tell you?" Paul asked "Nothing because he's scared of you!" The girl yelled. Next thing I know she's slapping Paul. I take off running out the house and next to the guys "Bella back up." Sam said. Next thing I know Bella's running, Paul phased and Jake phased. "JAKE!" I yelled "Alex go home." Sam ordered "Why?" I asked "We aren't doing this now just get home." He said. I stormed off to get my stuff then went home. I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard a truck pull up. Who is this chick that's around my brother. The boys did their signature yell and the ran inside. "Mamma wolf." They said and hugged me. I had time to cook so I had made muffins. I put them on the table and in comes the pale girl. "Who is this?" I asked "Bella Swan who else?" Jared said "So your the vampire girl that's been playing with my brothers head and heart." I stated "And your who?" She asked "Alex." I said. "Well Alex I'm not messing with Jakes head. He's my best friend." She said "Boys I'll be back. Tell Sam I'm upstairs." I said and put the rag down and walked upstairs. I sat on my window seal looking over the Forrest. All I want is to talk to Leah. Leah had phased a few weeks ago. We are close. She knows a lot. She dated Sam until he phased and now is in his pack. She's fine with me and him, as she understands the imprinting now. She knew me and Sam were fighting. I was pulled out of my thoughts by two knocks on my door. "Ally." Leah said I ran to the door and opened it. I pulled her in and slammed he door. I could hear the boys laughing downstairs "Is it still bad?" She asked "The only thing he said to me was that I needed to come home." I said. "Alex!" Sam yelled. I sat against the window seal as Leah opened the door. "Leah let me talk to Alex." He said "Why? Your mad at her." Leah said. They went back and forth "Leah it's fine." I said finally having enough of them. Sam waited till Leah left before he came in and shut the door. "Why'd you leave?" He asked "Cause." I said "Alexandrea why did you leave?" He said "YOU WERE MAD AT ME SAM!" I yelled "I couldn't take you disappearing and then not coming home. Or leaving early in the morning. Or not texting me or talking to me." I added "Im not mad at you." He said "Yes you are Sam! Your mad because I didn't tell you my birthday and because I stayed out late last night." I said. "Lexy. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me and when you left for your dads I was worried Bella would show up. That's why I got mad." He said. "She's playing with his heart Sam. I don't like her. I don't want her in my house. I don't want her around my brother." I said. It was true. The Cullen's left town, Bella turned to Jake and he's in love with her, she's just using him to pass time. I hate that. "Jake and Bella left for La Push for a walk." Sam said. "Why is she doing this to him?" I asked "No one knows." Sam said. I fell asleep soon after.

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