Why Me? Part 2

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I am so so so so sorry for not updating in awhile!!! Especially since I said I would update why me fast and I am just starting part 2 now...I have just already had a homework overload and I am part of school newspaper now.. ugh it's to much. Anyway, so sorry. U guys probably don't wanna hear my apologies any way. XD y'all probably like, LEMME READ! Lol Cíao my paladins!

~The wingedwerewolf 

Voltron. The reason lance left earth. The reason he changed. The reason he feel so alone. As you know, Lance was already hurting before Voltron but the  along came, saving everyone and lectures...it just made the panic attacks worse......it just made his depression worse...it just made him worse.. now we skip to present day....

"Damn.. 12am...Ugh I haven't eaten in a week and it hurts so bad... you would think my friends would notice my pain. BUT NO!" Lance said as he kicked his bedroom wall and soon fell backwards because of  to much force. THUD! Lance Landed on his already hurting arm and let out of yelp of pain. He slowly moved himself in a upward position and laughed. "What am I doing... hehehehehe.. I guess the lack of food and sleep is getting to me..." He mumble as he now full got up and stood there. "I hope they didn't hear me. Not like they probably would since they put my room half way across the damn castle. And they wonder why I am always late..."Lance said as he made his way to the second training room. Yes I said second. There was one main training room and a few smaller ones off to the side. They were the same besides the fact that one was big. Lance slowly made his way to his training room and started level 50. And yes. No lie. Lance McClain was level 50 in training. That level could kill a person but Lance got past it in min. Shiro was only at 30 Keith 29, Hunk and Pige at 23 and in the main training room Lance was at 10. Lance finisfhed around 4 am and his end level was 56. Now tired and in pain. He soon realized he would have to get up in two hours so he ran into his room and decided to take a long shower. It was now 5:40am and Lance had to meet his team at 6 for breakfast. He walked into his bathroom and took out a silver razor and started cutting open his coca skim. The crimson liquid  trickled down his arm as he sliced more and more. He eventually stopped and cleaned off his wounds and wrapped them before he left for the dining room. When he got there he was still a little early so no one was there yet. He decided to try cooking so maybe his team would appreciate him. He was already amazing at cooking and just have space ingredients made it more fun. After ten minutes of cooking he sat down and started eating. Sooner or later Shiro and Keith walked in, and then Allura, and afte Hunk and pidge. "Thanks for the food hunk. It tastes better than normal" Keith said as he shoved a spoonful in his mouth. "He's gonna take the credit isn't he." Lance mumbled to himself. "No prob!" Hunk replied. Lance rolled his eyes and continued to eat. " Has anyone seen Lance? We are training at 10 and someone needs to tell him." Allura said. "Right here like I've been for the past hour Allura."Lance replied angrily. " I am gonna go read until it's Time to train if you don't need me." Lance said as he walked out. "Oh Altea, I'm sorry Lance i didn't- and he's gone.....I wonder if he's mad? No it's Lance....he will get over it..." Allura said calmly. Lance sat On his desk as he read a book about secret techniques that are almost No one ever uses anymore. This was his 8th time reading the book and he probably has it memorized. He was about to go test it in the training room but then noticed it was close time for him to meet up with him ..... "team" he didn't notice he had been reading for that long. He slowly walked down to the training room and sat on the bench waiting for his team. The team soon all arrived and Allura turned on lvl 15 team mode. 

Sorry it's so short! I have to go do homework so yeah. 


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