The White Lions awakening/Part 1 (Prologue)

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Lances pov

We were in the heat of battle or atleast  they were...Swords clashing. Guns firing. Screaming. Let's go back about 24 hours ago...

We had been on our way to planet,Siliti  to see if they wanted to join the Voltron  Coalition . The castle landed as we all prepared to meet the queen of Siliti, Queen Mayatoan. "Lance.We are about to meet the queen so no goofing off. As a matter of fact, just stay quite please." Shiro said in a angry fatherly voice. I just nodded and sighed. To be honest I didn't even want to be here. You see, it is said that that if you make eye contact with a Siliti that they can sense your emotions memories. Annnnd if y'all didn't know... I am sorta kinda messed up.. and not in them good way if ya know what I mean...;) Anyway, we walk off the ship, I high and mighty like the hero's everyone thinks we are accept me. I stand if the back of everyone, face down helmet under my right arm, emotionless eyes, and perfect posture. I was just sorta like a mindless robot. Doing what I was told. But robots don't get blamed for every damn thing. Back to the story. So we walk out to Silities greeting us. They had faded green blue skin, yellow horns, white eyes, and very...tribal? Clothing? I don't know.. anyway, we walked in a gigantic castle filled with people,food, and The Queen herself. She greeted us...we greeted her.  She said that this was a party to invited us and that we could talk about the Coalition tomorrow. She was actually pretty layed back for a queen.. So basically we talked to people around the ball room and ate food. Or atleast everyone accept me. I was outside. Staring at the only things that kept me somewhat happy. The stars and blue. I sat on top of her as we watched the stars fall from the sky. Their glittery white color made them brighter than the sun before they disappeared into nothing. I sat there and talked to blue until the party was over. We had all decided to stay in the castle since the queen invited us. We each got a color coded room because the Siliti people are pretty organized even though they are really layed back. I changed out of my paladin armour and into my casual clothes. I then plopped on the king sized bed with blue and white covers and stared at the blue and white room till I zoned out.

In the morning...

I snapped out of zoning out and awoke to the noise of bombs. I jumped up and ran to my door and as I opened it I was pushed back in by Allura. "What the-" I said and then landed on the ground. "I'm sorry Lance but we are trying something different today!" Allura shouted. At first I questioned what she meant but then I knew. I've heard the others talk about having Allura try and drive blue instead. I sat there in shock for a minute before getting up and slamming against the door again and again. "I need to help them.. I need to get to blue.." I kept on mumbling to myself. About five minutes later I broke down the door and ran outside. And that's when I saw it.. Voltron was formed. Allura in blue... I broke. A surge of anger ran through me as I watched them fight. But then I realized that even though the replaced me, I can still try and help. I ran to people and started try to get them to safety. And now here we are. That's how I got stuck down here. That how the battle started..Now as soon as I got the majority of people safe, I  figured, why live anymore since I'm just a liability apparently. So I walked to a cliff looked and Voltron, and fell into the abyss...

Hope you guys enjoyed the first part of The White Lions Awakening! I hope I can make part two before I get my phone token away but sorry if I don't! Cìao for now my paladins!~

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