Lance's Hot girlfriend?! Part 2

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In is currently 7:35am in the castle of lions. Everyone was there accept for Lance, who was supposed to be there and 35 min ago. "Not it!" Everyone yelled and Keith was miraculously last! (Wow I'm shook) "Finnnnnne" Keith mosned as he got up and started walking down the corridor. "Lance?!" He yelled angrily as he pounded on the door. The door immediately opened and Keith walked into a pitch black room with the sound of slight sobbing from the the corner. Keith stepped it as he dodged the blankets on the floor so he wouldn't trip. The sobbing soon stopped and it turned it coughing and sniffling. "Lance...? You here?" Keith said as he thought him "of course he's here stupid..." Keith walked further into the dim room and made his way to the pile of blankets in the corner. "Lance it's breakfast..." Keith said quietly. "Oh. Sorry, wasn't looking at the time...I'll be down in a sec mullet." Lance said quietly. His voice sounded so fragile as if he was going to break Keith thought. Keith mumbled ok and walked out of the dark room with the door shutting behind him. He started to walk away and heard more loud crying Keith's rood their in shock to hear the goofy flirt that he knew crying. He soon continued to walk until he got to the kitchen/dining room. "You look like you saw a ghost you ok Keith?"  Asked Pidge. "I um..." Keith just sat their and sorta  stuttered  For a min before saying "Lance will be here in a few." He sat down and brushed it off after talking to his friends for a few min. Lance walked in soon and he looked...absolutely horrible. And sorta cute-NO GAY THOUGHTS KEITH. His jacket wa slightly off his right shoulder and his hair wa messy. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks and has been cry for hours. Lance fixes his jacket an sat down at the table. He stares at a piece paper that he's is clutching to dear life for. No one dared to speak until Allura broke the  silence. "So today paladins, we will be training at level 30! It's really hard but I have faith in you! Let's all meet in the training room in 10 dobashes." Allura said in a happy voice. Every agreed and walked out of the dining room. 

10 min later.....

Lance has been the first one there. He decided he wasn't in the mood to get yelled at so after breakfast he went straight to the training room. He changed and waited for the other paladins. He sat against the wall and zoned out.


"Lance! I'm here!" Samantha said as she entered tye build that went but Cuba's Dance academy. It was a rather large  building that many people could move around in. But currently only Lance and Samantha were in there. "Hey! How was the competition in the United States!" Lance said as he dropped the broom he was sweeping with  and ran to give Samantha a hug. "It was great! The dance competition was amazing and the the judges were really nice! And guess who won first place?!" Samantha said excitedly. "I am so proud of you! I saw you on Tv and you were amazing!!! As much as I hate to put this on you, we qualified for another competition and the Miss Marissa (The owner of the academy)  entered us in to dance for Cuba. So we got to start training now. But-" Lance said but was cut off by Samantha. "That's amazing but I just got back and-" Samantha said but was then cut off by Lance. "You didn't let me finish! Hehehe anyway, I wanted to take you out tonight to celebrate you! Can I pick you up at 7?" Lance said happily. "OH MY GOD YES! I am so excited! I should go get ready! Um.. se you at 7!" She said. She started to walk out the door when Lance grabbed her by the arm. "Huh-" she said before Lance pulled her into a kiss. He let go and smailed as she smirked and walked away.

>End of Flashback<

Lance snapped back into reality after the door slid open. The four paladins walked in and talked but soon whites after Allura and Coran came in and started talking. "Start level 30"Allura yelled as 20 training dummies came out.(dummies? More like freaking assassins) everyone started fighting accept Lance. He stood against the wall until a dummies slashed him right across the chest. "LANCE!" The team yelled "End the training sequence Allura!" Shiro yelled. "I"m trying!!" Allura yelled back. The dummy was about to stab Lance when he grabbed the sword with one hand. He dropped kicked the dummy and took its sword and stabbed it.. he soon took his bayyard and stood in a fighting position as if he were holding two swords and not a gun. His bayyard turned into two swords and he dashed at the last five robots. (The team defeated the others) he kicked one against the wall and stabbed another in the heart. The other paladins started to come over when all the sudden, the dummy that was on Lances sword had gotten tossed at them.he glared at the causing them to back away. The paladins have never seen Lance like this. They were honestly a bit scared. He was busy fishing the fourth dummy when he got a pain in his shoulder. He had been stabbed. He quickly hit it in to three pieces and the fell to his knees.Hunk ran over and yelled "Lance?!Buddy?!Are you ok?!" Lance got up slowly and said I'm h-heading to the medical bay. "You need a pod Lance!" Keith said with worried voice. "I would worry Samantha if I didn't come back safe... " Lance said before passing out. Shiro ran to Lance and felt his pulse. "Coran." Shiro said "On it!" Coran said and ran out the room. "Who is Samantha?"

Hello! TheWingedWerewolf here! I just wanted to say that I thought about and decided that I would post because a realized that a small group of you like my work. So here! And also, Im sorry the this doesn't have to do with the previous Lances Hot girlfriend but I am just trying to lead up to a good moment ya know? Build the suspension? Anyway..Ciao for now!~

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