Welcome To Club Voltron (highschool au part 2)

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Lance and alittle 3rd person POV

I fall on the floor and open my squinted eyes. I looks around to see a nice white painted room with a big "V" painted on in black,red,green,blue,and yellow with one big spot on beach side. It sorta looks like a clubhouse. Sorta gives off that cute kid vibe. You could hear pounding on the door for awhile before it stopped-"h...hey...Hey...HEY are you ok or not?!" A short boy with a mullet yells in my face. "Keith settle down. His face was just slammed into slicked and now he has been pulled into some random room with a group of people he doesn't know." A tall muscular Man with black hair and a white tuff on his head said to the shorter one.  "I think the locker may have got him. He has a  huge cut on his head." A  chubbier  samoan boy says. I feel around my my forehead  to find a gash that ran from my temple to them middle of my forehead. It wasn't bleeding to bad but it was starting to drip. My nose was also bleeding which sucked. Lucky I wore my least favorite hoodie..."No duh he's getting blood all  over our floor." A small girl said looking quite annoyed. The  Samoan boy was about to touch me with some medical supplies when I jerked away. I scooted back towards the door and tried to unlock it but it was locked. I Looked at them and quick signed "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!" "Maybe he is deaf? Can anyone sign here?"The musclar one said.  They all shook their heads and looked at me. I realized my nose had stopped so I got up and went to find some paper towel to clean it up. A taller girl (not taller than lance) with beautiful white hair and a British accent came up to me and tapped on my shoulder. She then tried her best to mouth out "W.H.A. T  A.R.E Y.O.U D.O.I.N.G?" I ignored her and grabbed some paper towel and some cleaning stuff and walked back to where I was sitting and started to clean it up. I was trying really hard not to laugh at the British girl and I was about to until the muscular white and black haired came up to me and said really loudly "N.A.M.E? Y.O.U.R N.A.M.E?" This time I was able to hold in my laughter. I finished cleaning and put their supplies back before pointing at the door. "I feel bad for him..." the Samoan says. I tried to hold my shock and keep a black facial expression like I have been doing. The small girl does a loud "AHEM" before talking. They all turn to her but I don't. I turn around and start picking the pick with a Bobby pin I found because  for some odd reason it's locked on the inside but there is no lock on the inside. But there is a key hole. Lucky lance finished pretty quickly since when he's bored at home, he has book with 5 different locks on it and a picking tool that he got for his birthday because  he likes puzzles. I open the door and shut it quickly and quietly I then grab my stuff from my locker in a rush and start jogging down the hall I turn around to see the mullet boy looking around outside the door. He looks at me and gives me a wtf glare but I just turn and keep going. I just wanna go home. Shit. I realize Hailey was home and I am covered in blood with a big cut on my forehead. Greattt questions. I sigh, knowing I am not gonna get away with this one as I knock on the door to my house. I hear my husky, Blu bark for a minute until I hear the clicking of a lock unlocking. Hailey looks at me and pulls me inside, not even speaking. She runs to get some medical supplies out of our downstairs bathroom  cupboard. She starts to patch me up in silence. When she's finished she gives me a sad look. "It's my fault isn't it.." Hailey says. "N-No!" I say quickly. "I call and let them know you'll be dropping out..." this is what I wanted right..? Not to go to highschool....yet for some reason I said "No! I'll give it one more chance!" Hailey looked at me with a shocked expression. "I uh..it's not a bad place...if i have any troubles I'll tell you..ok? She nods her head a walks away. What the hell did I just get myself into..

 guys! TheWingedWerewolf here! So this didn't have much angst but it's a good story so far in my book. Hopefully when I make another chapter it will get more angsty. Anyway..gtg! Cìao for now my paladorks!! Sorry my stupid bold italics isn't working-_-"

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