Captive Prince/Part 1 (I think?)

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This chapter is dedicated to @Mother_To_Allfor being nice and voting on all my crappy chapters, following me, and commenting on some stuff. If you want a shout out/chapter dedicated to you then comment about it and say what you want the chapter to be about and I'll try to do it ;). Cíao for now my Paladorks!

Edit-Shout out to @LillyRaven210 also. She sorta did the same thing while I was writing this chapter and I wanted to say thanks to them too. And everyone else who I missed. Also, message at the end.

Lance grunted as he was kicked in the stomach my the taller male that went by the name, Lotor. "You will not refuse my offer. If you decide to make this hard we will break you. You will be my prince." Lotor said with slight ganged towards the beautiful boy that repeatedly refused to be his prince.   "F....Fi..Fine..." Lance said as he looked at the ground, looking at his blood and spit  scattered on the cold metal floor. "Ah. You've finally gave in?" Lotor said with a smirk as he bent down to look at the smaller male. "Hell no I mean to fine as in I guess we are doing it the hard way. Fuck you." Lance said as he sat up. "You son of a-" Lotor started but Lance butted it saying "Very kind Cuban lady and man." Lance said as he smiled. His hair covering his eyes since his hair grows fast and he had been captive for two and a half weeks. "...Alright. Bring in the witch" Lotor said through his com, looking at the skinny  boy below him. Now lance started to get worried. Things hadn't been to bad because Lotor thought he could win lance over. Lance would only get torched a bit and even though they wouldn't feed him much, they would  feed him. But now some lady..some which was coming to do things to him? Lance couldn't keep his cool. His heart started to beat a bit faster. There are other prisoners on this ship.. sometimes you can communicate with them. They have all been torched by the witch and are normally left in a mental state so bad they don't need to be tortured for awhile after that. So what was going to happen to lance? Most of those people, Lotor doesn't even communicate with but he defied Lotor orders directly. So what was gonna happen to him? He wanted to die. His friends didn't like him. They weren't looking for him. He never did anything right in their eyes. But then he realized that someone actually liked him. Wanted him. Lotor. He realized that fighting was such a stupid decision. If he sided with Lotor they could rule the galaxy and he could keep his family on earth safe. He knew all the Paladins even if they didn't know him very well. Lotor had an army. He had weapons. Lance watched hunk and pudge make stuff when they wouldn't let him help. He was smart. He could make stuff. They could destroy the Paladins. Those good for nothing shits who couldn't even save one person. Lance hated them all. He wanted them gone. He realized he could destroy Lotor too. He could run the universe. He could have it all. So there he sat, awaiting his torcher. It was just the slight pain he would have to endure if he wanted it all. 

So I decided there would be a part two but I won't drag it out like the white lion  and stuff. I just wanted to get this out and I'm to lazy to finish rn. So sorry for this. I want the part two to come out like later on today but it's probably just gonna end up being sometime this week. Actually here. I just wrote all that and I don't wanna delete it so I'll just give y'all the option now. 

Comment here for the next update to be The White Lions Awakening—>

Comment here for the next update to be Captive prince—>

Sorry for the short chapter I'll start working on both today.

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